Thursday, November 6, 2008
Jordan: Muslim Brotherhood Celebrates Obama's Victory, "We Consider This an Apology From the American People"
The Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
That's from "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," a 1991 presentation by Muslim Brotherhood operative Mohamed Akram.
Since we're talking apologies here, can we get an apology from the Brotherhood for its efforts to destroy Western civilization from within? Oh, and a complete cessation of those efforts?
I didn't think so.
Amman- The Islamic Action Front (IAF), Jordan's largest political party, on Wednesday expressed guarded optimism over the election of Barak Obama as the next US president and said they considered his win an "apology" from the American people to the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan. "We welcome Obama's election and believe that his win represents a clear message inside as well as outside America," IAF Secretary General Zaki Bani Ershaid told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.
"Obama's victory is also tantamount to an apology from the American people for the crimes committed by the outgoing Republican administration in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere," he added.
Bani Ershaid said that his party, the political arm of the influential Muslim Brotherhood movement, was "cautiously optimistic" over the change promised by Obama and believed that the "starting- point for this change should find expression in a correction of the US foreign policy on Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan."
"A real change in the US policies cannot materialize without rectifying the erroneous attitude considering Israel an ally, withdrawing troops from Iraq," he said.
He may very well get his wish on Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate
HONOLULU – Even though Hawaii officials now claim to have verified the authenticity of Sen. Barack Obama's birth certificate – in hopes of ending widespread speculation and even multiple lawsuits challenging the Democrat candidate's constitutional qualification to be president – it turns out there is still reason for serious questioning.
In fact, there is considerable evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the candidate and his campaign have maintained.
As WND reported from Honolulu last week, Gov. Linda Lingle instructed the Hawaii Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to Obama's original birth certificate. Lingle's letter to WND made clear that the original doctor-generated and hospital-released birth certificate on file with the state's health department would be released to the press if Obama so requested – but to date the candidate has made no such request.
The governor's communication with WND also left ambiguous whether the Obama birth certificate on file with the Department of Health was originally generated by a Hawaii doctor after giving birth to Obama in Hawaii, or generated in Kenya and subsequently registered by the Obama family in Hawaii.
On April 5, WND conducted a telephone interview from New Jersey to Kenya with Sayid Obama, brother of Barack Obama senior and the uncle of Sen. Barack Obama. The interview is reported in the book "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality" on pages 21-25, 26-28, 29, 30, 34 and 103.
In the interview, Sayid acknowledged he was not sure whether his brother, Barack Obama senior, practiced Islam or whether Barack Obama junior was born in Kenya or in Hawaii.
He did remember distinctly that Obama junior had visited Africa in 1987, then a second time in 1992 when Obama junior traveled to Kenya with his wife-to-be Michelle; and a third time, as a U.S. senator, when Obama returned with Michelle in 2006.
Sayid acknowledged that his father (Sen. Obama's grandfather) was wealthy in the Luo tribe, a practicing Muslim who traveled the world with the British, and insisted that Barack Obama senior attend school and was quite intelligent in school.
WND had scheduled a second telephone interview for April 25 with Auma Obama, Sen. Barack Obama's sister in Kenya, but Auma canceled the interview and apologized to WND after Sen. Obama's campaign forbade her or any other of the Obama family to conduct any further interviews with WND, following the interview with Sayid Obama.
The issue of the authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate is further muddied by communications from Sen. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, who has claimed Obama was born in two different Hawaii hospitals.
In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter, Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu; then in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.
Last week in Hawaii, WND retained a top private investigator with extensive FBI training and tasked with visiting both the Queens Medical Center and the Kaliolani Medical Center to investigate claims that Obama birth certificates existed at either hospital.
But the private investigator reported that on Thursday and Friday of last week, sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to fend off press inquiries about Obama's birth certificate.
On Thursday, KGMB9 News reported that Hawaii's top health official, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, was trying to defuse rumors that Barack Obama was born in Kenya by saying she had seen the birth certificate herself, but said Hawaii laws aimed at stopping identity theft prevented her from releasing the document despite multiple requests to do so.
Fukino failed to resolve the controversy by disclosing whether the "official document" she saw had been generated in a Kenyan hospital or in a Hawaiian hospital.
The controversy is further fueled by a video posted on YouTube in which Obama's Kenyan grandmother Sarah claims to have witnessed personally Obama's birth in Kenya. The video tape also features Sayid Obama who was interviewed by WND.
Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya
By Jerome R. Corsi
To date, Obama and his campaign have refused to disclose the name of the doctor delivering the candidate or the precise hospital where he was born.
The main reason doubts persist regarding Obama's birth certificate is this question: If an original Hawaii-doctor-generated and Hawaii-hospital-released Obama birth certificate exists, why wouldn't the senator and his campaign simply order the document released and end the controversy?
That Obama has not ordered Hawaii officials to release the document leaves doubts as to whether an authentic Hawaii birth certificate exists for Obama.
Rather, the failure to release the document fuels the theory – true or not – that the Obama family, shortly after Obama's birth overseas, returned to Hawaii and registered at the Hawaii Department of Health the original Obama birth certificate that had been issued by the doctor and hospital that delivered Obama in Kenya.
In fact, there is considerable evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the candidate and his campaign have maintained.
As WND reported from Honolulu last week, Gov. Linda Lingle instructed the Hawaii Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to Obama's original birth certificate. Lingle's letter to WND made clear that the original doctor-generated and hospital-released birth certificate on file with the state's health department would be released to the press if Obama so requested – but to date the candidate has made no such request.
The governor's communication with WND also left ambiguous whether the Obama birth certificate on file with the Department of Health was originally generated by a Hawaii doctor after giving birth to Obama in Hawaii, or generated in Kenya and subsequently registered by the Obama family in Hawaii.
On April 5, WND conducted a telephone interview from New Jersey to Kenya with Sayid Obama, brother of Barack Obama senior and the uncle of Sen. Barack Obama. The interview is reported in the book "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality" on pages 21-25, 26-28, 29, 30, 34 and 103.
In the interview, Sayid acknowledged he was not sure whether his brother, Barack Obama senior, practiced Islam or whether Barack Obama junior was born in Kenya or in Hawaii.
He did remember distinctly that Obama junior had visited Africa in 1987, then a second time in 1992 when Obama junior traveled to Kenya with his wife-to-be Michelle; and a third time, as a U.S. senator, when Obama returned with Michelle in 2006.
Sayid acknowledged that his father (Sen. Obama's grandfather) was wealthy in the Luo tribe, a practicing Muslim who traveled the world with the British, and insisted that Barack Obama senior attend school and was quite intelligent in school.
WND had scheduled a second telephone interview for April 25 with Auma Obama, Sen. Barack Obama's sister in Kenya, but Auma canceled the interview and apologized to WND after Sen. Obama's campaign forbade her or any other of the Obama family to conduct any further interviews with WND, following the interview with Sayid Obama.
The issue of the authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate is further muddied by communications from Sen. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, who has claimed Obama was born in two different Hawaii hospitals.
In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter, Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu; then in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.
Last week in Hawaii, WND retained a top private investigator with extensive FBI training and tasked with visiting both the Queens Medical Center and the Kaliolani Medical Center to investigate claims that Obama birth certificates existed at either hospital.
But the private investigator reported that on Thursday and Friday of last week, sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to fend off press inquiries about Obama's birth certificate.
On Thursday, KGMB9 News reported that Hawaii's top health official, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, was trying to defuse rumors that Barack Obama was born in Kenya by saying she had seen the birth certificate herself, but said Hawaii laws aimed at stopping identity theft prevented her from releasing the document despite multiple requests to do so.
Fukino failed to resolve the controversy by disclosing whether the "official document" she saw had been generated in a Kenyan hospital or in a Hawaiian hospital.
The controversy is further fueled by a video posted on YouTube in which Obama's Kenyan grandmother Sarah claims to have witnessed personally Obama's birth in Kenya. The video tape also features Sayid Obama who was interviewed by WND.
Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya
By Jerome R. Corsi
To date, Obama and his campaign have refused to disclose the name of the doctor delivering the candidate or the precise hospital where he was born.
The main reason doubts persist regarding Obama's birth certificate is this question: If an original Hawaii-doctor-generated and Hawaii-hospital-released Obama birth certificate exists, why wouldn't the senator and his campaign simply order the document released and end the controversy?
That Obama has not ordered Hawaii officials to release the document leaves doubts as to whether an authentic Hawaii birth certificate exists for Obama.
Rather, the failure to release the document fuels the theory – true or not – that the Obama family, shortly after Obama's birth overseas, returned to Hawaii and registered at the Hawaii Department of Health the original Obama birth certificate that had been issued by the doctor and hospital that delivered Obama in Kenya.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is Obama your Messiah?
...This is one of the most frightening things I've ever read...
An associate editor of the campus newspaper at Massachusetts' Smith College has joined the chorus attributing to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama messianic characteristics, but she has gone one step further, calling Obama her "Jesus."
"Obama is my homeboy. And I'm not saying that because he's black – I'm saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, 'Jesus is my homeboy.' Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus," wrote Maggie Mertens in the Smithsophian's commentary section recently under the headline: "I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus."
"While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshiping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I'm afraid it's true anyway," she wrote.
The writing prompted P.J. Gladnick, in a posting on, to express concern about Mertens' dedication to her "Jesus."
He cited her conclusion: "I've officially been saved, and soon, whether they like it or not, the rest of the country will be too. I will follow him, all the way to the White House, and I'll be standing there in our nation's capital in January 2009, when Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. In the name of Obama, Amen."
"Saved, 'whether they like it or not.' That sounds like a threat to me," the NewsBusters report said. "What will you do, Maggie? Burn non-believers in your holy Barack at the Democrat party stake for being heretics?"
He said the problem is people turning Obama into a sort of spiritual savior, as WND reported radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan also has done with Obama.
"A lot of the commenters to this article were hoping that this was just satire by Maggie Mertens, NewsBusters' Gladnik said. "Your humble correspondent knows satire and this was definitely not satire. Mertens was serious although, after the richly deserved mocking she is sure to receive over her belief in Barack, she might try to squirm out of it by pulling a Sheryl Crow. … She might claim she was really just joking as Crow claimed after she was widely ridiculed by claiming we could fight global warming by using just one square of toilet paper per sitting. Crow was serious and so is Maggie Mertens in proclaiming Barack Obama as her savior."
Mertens also described Obama as "my miracle."
Get "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values"
"Barack Obama bore to me his testimony in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention, a testimony that included believing in concepts as simple and wholesome as the Constitution; a belief the current administration had done away with entirely. … I was intrigued. I would follow him," she wrote.
"I must admit, I questioned this myself. After all, would I have ever bought a T-shirt with Al Gore's face on it? Was this all he was, the newest pop culture fad? I questioned my newfound faith – was it all only a phase, like the time I thought I was Baptist in junior high? But my inner dogmatic struggle only helped cement my beliefs," she continued.
"Wait, this is satire, right," wrote one participant in the newspaper's forum.
"It's very telling that people have to ask if this is satire, don't you think," said another.
"Um … whoa. I hope this is a parody. … If it isn't, I just don't know what to say except that your conception of the appropriate place of government and politicians in our lives appears to have reverted 2000+ years," added another.
On the NewsBusters site, the concern level was ratcheted up a notch.
"This is actually quite frightening. There are a lot of stories out there where people actually look at Obama as more of a deity than a typical politician," wrote one forum participant. "And I have yet to hear him counter it."
NewBusters managing editor Ken Shepherd had earlier commented on the "penchant" in some media corporations "for selecting photographs of Sen. Barack Obama that make him appear rather, um, messianic."
He cited an ABC blog, which featured a photograph of Obama with a halo around his head, and raised similar questions.
Accompanying the critique of media image uses there was the headline: "There is Born to You This Day in the City of Chicago a Savior."
WND reported less than a week ago on comments from Farrakhan, another powerful Chicago-based political figure associated with the Obama's longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who told an audience when Obama talks "the Messiah is absolutely speaking."
You can watch it for yourself on a newly posted YouTube video.
Addressing a large crowd behind a podium Feb. 24 with a Nation of Islam Saviour's Day 2008 sign, Farrakhan proclaims,
"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."
WND also previously reported a website called "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" captured the wave of euphoria that followed the Democratic senator's remarkable rise.
WND also reported when talk radio host Rush Limbaugh criticized Democrats who were comparing Obama to Jesus and Gov. Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate.
"I know Jesus Christ. I pray to Jesus Christ all the time," said Limbaugh." I study what Jesus Christ did and said all the time, and let me tell you something, Barack Obama, you are no Jesus Christ."
Democrats, including party strategist Donna Brazile and Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., earlier made nearly identical biblical comparisons of the characters in this presidential election, which Limbaugh traced back to a Sept. 4 posting on a Washington blog.
"Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus," Cohen said during a one-minute speech on the floor of the U.S. House. "Pontius Pilate was a governor."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sin - the root of America's economic problems
A Christian financial expert says America's current financial liquidity problem can't be solved by a government bailout or the policy of a new elected official, but only if people take responsibility for their sin.
Chuck Bentley is the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries and host of the "Money Life" radio program. He says the $700 billion Wall Street bailout bill signed into law by President Bush contained "the good, the bad, and the ugly."
Bentley likes the controversial provision that gives the Treasury secretary funding to remove the bad mortgage assets off the books of banks, as well as the tax relief for small business owners that was added to the legislation.
But Bentley says he still would not have voted for the bill because it contains an "outrageous" amount of pork and raises the federal debt limit to $11.3 trillion.
"I think it's abhorrent," he states bluntly. "It's putrid that our legislators would try to throw that pork into this bill....I think we do need the good parts of it -- but the bad parts are politicizing the issue. They're not 'sweeteners.' They're feathers in the cap of politicians, [and] I think it's actually unpatriotic."
Bentley believes the country's current financial woes can be attributed to the sin of greed and the failure of Americans to acknowledge that sin and repent of it before God.
Calling all Christians to Pray
This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced, and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting for Christian values. We all need to be on our knees. Do you believe we can take God at His Word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders unfold. This scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do that. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land.
2 Chronicles 7:14. 'If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.'
During WWII, there was an adviser to Churchill, who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night at a prescribed hour for one minute, to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace. This had an amazing effect, as bombing stopped.
There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America. The United States of America , and our citizens, need prayer more than ever!!! If you would like to participate, each evening at 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific), stop whatever you're doing, and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, for peace in the world, the upcoming election, that the Bible will remain the basis for the laws governing our land, and that Christianity will grow in the U.S.
Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Teacher fights to post Declaration of Independence quote
Principal claims 'endowed by their Creator' is too Judeo-Christian for school
Posted: September 09, 2008
11:05 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A math teacher sued his school district after the principal told him the words "In God We Trust" and "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator" must be removed from his homeroom wall because they convey a Judeo-Christian viewpoint.
In January, Principal Dawn Kastner told Westview High School math teacher Bradley Johnson that a banner he had posted in his classroom for 25 years, and another that was posted for 17 years, needed to come down.
The older banner, measuring 7 feet by 2 feet, contained the words "In God We Trust," "One Nation Under God," "God Bless America" and "God Shed His Grace On Thee." The second banner quoted the Declaration of Independence by including the phrase, "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator."
Even though 4,000 students have passed through Johnson's classroom without a single complaint in 25 years, the principal told Johnson the banners were now impermissible because of their religious content.
The Thomas More Law Center, a not-for-profit law firm dedicated to the defense of religious freedoms, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Johnson against the Poway Unified School District of San Diego, Calif., which includes Westview High School, claiming the order to remove the banners violated Johnson's First Amendment freedom of speech, particularly since the district permits other teachers to hang Buddhist, Islamic, and Tibetan prayer messages on their classroom walls.
Richard Thompson, president of the Law Center, commented, "Many public schools exhibit a knee-jerk hostility towards Christianity and seek to cleanse our nation's classrooms of our religious heritage while promoting atheism or other religions under the guise of cultural diversity."
The school district, in turn, filed to have the lawsuit dismissed. But last week, Federal District Judge Robert T. Benitez denied the request, stating, "Johnson has made out a clear claim for relief for an ongoing violation of his First Amendment free speech rights," and calling the principal's order "an unequivocal case of government hostility" toward the Judeo-Christian viewpoint.
"Judge Benitez's strongly worded opinion sends a clear message to school districts across the country that hostility toward our Nation's religious heritage is contrary to our Constitution," said Rober Muise, the Thomas More Law Center lawyer handling the case.
According to court documents, the school district argued for dismissal, saying that Johnson's banners do not enjoy First Amendment protections "because Johnson is speaking as an educator, not a citizen" and "because Johnson was a teacher, he had no First Amendment protections in his classroom."
Judge Benitez sharply disagreed, claiming the district's argument amounted to saying that Johnson has no free speech rights at all because he is a government employee.
Benitez quoted the 1969 Supreme Court decision Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, which stated, "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. This has been the unmistakable holding of this Court for almost 50 years."
The judge then added, "In the 40 years since, the Supreme Court has neither diminished the force of Tinker for teachers nor in any other way cabined the First Amendment speech of public school teachers."
Benitez then presented a strong rebuttal to the charge that the Declaration of Independence and phrases like "In God We Trust" represent unconstitutional religious establishment.
"The Court does not understand Johnson's banners as communicating a religious Judeo-Christian viewpoint," Benitez wrote in his decision. "Rather, the banners communicated fundamental political messages and celebrate important American shared historical experiences."
Benitez further wrote, "That God places prominently in our nation's history does not create an Establishment Clause problem requiring curettage and disinfectant of Johnson's classroom walls. It is a matter of historical fact that our institutions and government actors have in past and present times given place to a supreme God."
Benitez then quoted a 1952 Supreme Court ruling, Zorach v. Clauson: "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being."
The judge concluded his decision with the remarks, "By squelching only Johnson's patriotic expression, the school district does a disservice to the students of Westview High School, and the federal and state constitutions do not permit such one-sided censorship."
CLICK HERE for the North County Times article
Posted: September 09, 2008
11:05 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A math teacher sued his school district after the principal told him the words "In God We Trust" and "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator" must be removed from his homeroom wall because they convey a Judeo-Christian viewpoint.
In January, Principal Dawn Kastner told Westview High School math teacher Bradley Johnson that a banner he had posted in his classroom for 25 years, and another that was posted for 17 years, needed to come down.
The older banner, measuring 7 feet by 2 feet, contained the words "In God We Trust," "One Nation Under God," "God Bless America" and "God Shed His Grace On Thee." The second banner quoted the Declaration of Independence by including the phrase, "All Men Are Created Equal, They Are Endowed By Their Creator."
Even though 4,000 students have passed through Johnson's classroom without a single complaint in 25 years, the principal told Johnson the banners were now impermissible because of their religious content.
The Thomas More Law Center, a not-for-profit law firm dedicated to the defense of religious freedoms, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Johnson against the Poway Unified School District of San Diego, Calif., which includes Westview High School, claiming the order to remove the banners violated Johnson's First Amendment freedom of speech, particularly since the district permits other teachers to hang Buddhist, Islamic, and Tibetan prayer messages on their classroom walls.
Richard Thompson, president of the Law Center, commented, "Many public schools exhibit a knee-jerk hostility towards Christianity and seek to cleanse our nation's classrooms of our religious heritage while promoting atheism or other religions under the guise of cultural diversity."
The school district, in turn, filed to have the lawsuit dismissed. But last week, Federal District Judge Robert T. Benitez denied the request, stating, "Johnson has made out a clear claim for relief for an ongoing violation of his First Amendment free speech rights," and calling the principal's order "an unequivocal case of government hostility" toward the Judeo-Christian viewpoint.
"Judge Benitez's strongly worded opinion sends a clear message to school districts across the country that hostility toward our Nation's religious heritage is contrary to our Constitution," said Rober Muise, the Thomas More Law Center lawyer handling the case.
According to court documents, the school district argued for dismissal, saying that Johnson's banners do not enjoy First Amendment protections "because Johnson is speaking as an educator, not a citizen" and "because Johnson was a teacher, he had no First Amendment protections in his classroom."
Judge Benitez sharply disagreed, claiming the district's argument amounted to saying that Johnson has no free speech rights at all because he is a government employee.
Benitez quoted the 1969 Supreme Court decision Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, which stated, "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. This has been the unmistakable holding of this Court for almost 50 years."
The judge then added, "In the 40 years since, the Supreme Court has neither diminished the force of Tinker for teachers nor in any other way cabined the First Amendment speech of public school teachers."
Benitez then presented a strong rebuttal to the charge that the Declaration of Independence and phrases like "In God We Trust" represent unconstitutional religious establishment.
"The Court does not understand Johnson's banners as communicating a religious Judeo-Christian viewpoint," Benitez wrote in his decision. "Rather, the banners communicated fundamental political messages and celebrate important American shared historical experiences."
Benitez further wrote, "That God places prominently in our nation's history does not create an Establishment Clause problem requiring curettage and disinfectant of Johnson's classroom walls. It is a matter of historical fact that our institutions and government actors have in past and present times given place to a supreme God."
Benitez then quoted a 1952 Supreme Court ruling, Zorach v. Clauson: "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being."
The judge concluded his decision with the remarks, "By squelching only Johnson's patriotic expression, the school district does a disservice to the students of Westview High School, and the federal and state constitutions do not permit such one-sided censorship."
CLICK HERE for the North County Times article
Friday, September 5, 2008
While we're not looking ...
Hal Lindsey
Posted: September 05, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008
One of the earliest and most effective strategies to emerge from the study of warfare was the application of diversionary tactics to misdirect or distract an enemy in order to achieve a tactical advantage.
That all sounds somewhat stuffy.
How about the magician who declares, "Nothing up my sleeve!" to distract his audience away from the real trick? America's attention is focused on the presidential primaries, conventions, debates and the upcoming election. But while we're not looking, our enemies are not resting.
They're taking full advantage of the diversion.
While our attention was distracted, the Russians embarked on what appears to be an effort to rebuild its old empire, by force if necessary, beginning with the Republic of Georgia. The Russians have decided to ignore the terms of the cease-fire signed with Georgia's government and have begun to occupy the country, in defiance of world opinion.
One of Moscow's major complaints against the Georgian government is its close relationship with Israel – particularly its military relationship – and Israel's defiance of Russia's declared arms embargo against Tblisi.
While we weren't paying that much attention, Vice President Dick Cheney traveled to Kiev to assure the Ukrainians that the U.S. would support them, should Moscow turn its attention to them. He made similar assurances to the Azerbaijanis while he was in the neighborhood.
While we were mesmerized by Barack Obama at his convention, the Russians threatened Poland with a nuclear strike against the U.S. missile shield Poland agreed to allow deployed along its borders – in defiance of the Kremlin.
The Iranians haven't gone on vacation while America's attention is distracted by the speeches and convention-goers and demonstrators and spin doctors, either.
Instead, the Iranians have been planting mines in the Persian Gulf in preparation for war. According to intelligence reports from the region, the U.S. is preparing to deploy at least one additional strike carrier group to the region some time around mid September.
While we listening to the candidates argue over whether or not we should remain in Iraq, the Iranian Republican Guard has stepped up its weapons and supply transfers to Iraq's Mahdi Army.
A report authored by Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies said Iran has been supplying rockets, mortars, explosively formed projectiles and other weapons to Shiite militias. CSIS said the Mahdi Army, believed to have up to 40,000 fighters, contains Iranian advisers in an effort to model the militia after Iran's other puppet army, Hezbollah.
The Mahdi Army was said to be equipped with AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, bombs, mortars and Katyusha rockets. The report said Mahdi has increased the size of its bombs to overcome the military's Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.
And while we're looking forward to November's election, Israel is wondering if it will survive long enough to find out who wins.
Israel's former "peace partner" Fatah has all but crumbled as Jordan, Egypt and other regional governments have started to open up new diplomatic channels with Hamas.
Twenty-five centuries ago, the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel predicted the rise of a vast, Russian-led Islamic alliance cryptically called "Gog and Magog."
Ezekiel's Gog corresponds with modern-day Russia. Ezekiel's Magog corresponds to modern Georgia and parts of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Leading the Islamic alliance under Gog-Magog's direction, according to this 25 centuries old prophecy, will be "Persia" – the name by which Iran was known from Ezekiel's day until 1925.
According to the prophet Ezekiel, the alliance will include stateless actors ("and many people with thee") that will participate in an invasion effort against Israel. Iran is currently arming the Mahdi Army, Hamas and Hezbollah in preparation for a promised Islamic conflict against Israel, using nuclear weapons created via Russian-supplied reactors.
(If you want to find out how it turns out, read Ezekiel Chapter 38. Ezekiel hasn't missed anything so far – there's no reason to think he'll suddenly start getting it wrong now.)
If there was ever a time when America should be paying attention, it's now. But, that is why diversionary tactics work so well in the first place.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Evangelicals rally behind Palin after pregnancy news
Before you read this article, I want to add that what sticks out in my mind the most is the fact that Obama sees an unexpected pregnancy out of wedlock as a punishment. That statement in itself speaks volumes to the true core of his soul...
ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Key evangelical leaders rallied to Sarah Palin's support Monday amid news that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, was having a child.
"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."
Palin and John McCain oppose abortion and have supported promoting abstinence in schools, which would seem to make Bristol Palin's pregnancy an inconveniently timed development.
But she is keeping the child, a fact that could make the Alaska governor -- whose candidacy has been enthusiastically embraced by evangelicals who regard her as one of their own -- even more popular among that key GOP voting bloc.
"Fortunately, Bristol is following her mother and father's example of choosing life in the midst of a difficult situation," Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said. "We are committed to praying for Bristol and her husband-to-be and the entire Palin family as they walk through a very private matter in the eyes of the public."
Evangelical leader Richard Land also backed Palin completely.
"This is the pro-life choice. The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it," Land said in a statement.
"Those who criticize the Palin family don't understand that we don't see babies as a punishment but as a blessing. Barack Obama said that if one of his daughters made a mistake and got pregnant out of wedlock, he wouldn't want her to be punished with a child. Pro-lifers don't see a child as punishment."
The immediate support of these major figures, who offered universal praise for the Palins' actions after learning their daughter was pregnant, provides the filter through which conservative Christian voters will process the development. What are your thoughts on Palin?
Most important for Palin, an elder statesman of the movement, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, released a statement lauding the Palins for acting in keeping with the group's policies and practices:
"We have always encouraged the parents to love and support their children and always advised the girls to see their pregnancies through, even though there will of course be challenges along the way. That is what the Palins are doing, and they should be commended once again for not just talking about their pro-life and pro-family values, but living them out even in the midst of trying circumstances.
"Being a Christian does not mean you're perfect. Nor does it mean your children are perfect. But it does mean there is forgiveness and restoration when we confess our imperfections to the Lord. I've been the beneficiary of that forgiveness and restoration in my own life countless times, as I'm sure the Palins have," Dobson said.
Some evangelicals gathered in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, for the Republican convention speculated that the news would pose more of a problem for Democrats than for the GOP ticket.
Speculation by some on blogs that Palin's son Trig was actually Bristol's child had led to outrage among conservatives.
Any comment by Democrats that is viewed as remotely critical could make both Sarah and Bristol Palin appear to be sympathetic victims of a political vendetta.
By Monday afternoon, evangelical leaders were circling the wagons.
"The media are already trying to spin this as evidence Gov. Palin is a 'hypocrite,' but all it really means is that she and her family are human," Dobson said. "They are in my prayers and those of millions of Americans."
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Obey Obama......Obey
Okay, so here's my favorite and I wouldn't toss this one aside. I've thought maybe Javier Solana and I've thought maybe Barack Obama...
CLICK HERE to read an article from
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Do you have Change for....Obama?
So you've read the flood of emails about Barack Obama, the candidate for change. Have you gotten the one depicting himself as a child and young adult with the Muslim members of his family in some family photos? Have you read the one about his wife's hatefully racist thesis that she wrote in graduate school? How about Barack, not holding his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance? Until today, the most recent article I'd received was the one about his newly renovated airplane that sports a logo hardly associated to the American flag. And today, Obama has been taking illegal campaign contributions from Hamas terrorist groups and that his accountants have been fraudulently covering them up.
Please CLICK HERE for more on that and don't let the media cover this one up. CLICK HERE for the financial report. can also read the anti-semitic hate blogs on his campaign website.
So Barack Obama is the candidate for change. What kind of change exactly? I like a country founded on tradition and principles of humanity that come from a source of absolute truth. I like free enterprise and free choice. I like our Nation's sovereignty and protection from unwanted influence.
What I don't like is a new form of socialism. What I don't like is allowing our country to be destroyed from within our borders. What I don't like is teaming up with other nations who are promoting a one world government and a one world religion. And I really don't like being a part of a society who is willingly bringing God's judgment upon us all.
So tell me, if people hear, see and read about the true Obama, why don't they stop him? Why is the media trying to cover up the "bad press"? I think it is because they are willingly God and His Word. If they had any knowledge of the Bible, they'd see things through a different set of glasses. Or maybe God is veiling their eyes. Only he knows. I'll tell you this followers of Jesus, pray. Pray and pray and pray. Pray that God will show mercy on those of us in Babylon. And know this beloved, He IS in control.
In HIS grip,
Please CLICK HERE for more on that and don't let the media cover this one up. CLICK HERE for the financial report. can also read the anti-semitic hate blogs on his campaign website.
So Barack Obama is the candidate for change. What kind of change exactly? I like a country founded on tradition and principles of humanity that come from a source of absolute truth. I like free enterprise and free choice. I like our Nation's sovereignty and protection from unwanted influence.
What I don't like is a new form of socialism. What I don't like is allowing our country to be destroyed from within our borders. What I don't like is teaming up with other nations who are promoting a one world government and a one world religion. And I really don't like being a part of a society who is willingly bringing God's judgment upon us all.
So tell me, if people hear, see and read about the true Obama, why don't they stop him? Why is the media trying to cover up the "bad press"? I think it is because they are willingly God and His Word. If they had any knowledge of the Bible, they'd see things through a different set of glasses. Or maybe God is veiling their eyes. Only he knows. I'll tell you this followers of Jesus, pray. Pray and pray and pray. Pray that God will show mercy on those of us in Babylon. And know this beloved, He IS in control.
In HIS grip,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ancient Seal Discovered in Jerusalem Provides Proof of Plot to Kill the Prophet Jeremiah
by Teresa Neumann : Aug 4, 2008 : Nadav Shragai - Haaretz
"Only rarely do archaeologists come across findings of significant figures in history, which help lift the dust of history and bring the Biblical story to life in such a tangible way."
(Jerusalem)—Another ancient seal has been unearthed in Jerusalem by a team of Israeli archaeologists. Carried out under the auspices of the Hebrew University, the seal is said to be one that belonged to King Zedekiah. The find was said to corroborate the Biblical story of one of the king's ministers demanding the prophet Jeremiah be killed.
Ancient Seal According to the report in Haaretz, "the seal impression, or bulla, with the name Gedalyahu ben Pashur, who served as minister to King Zedekiah (597-586 BC)... was found completely intact just meters away from a separate seal impression of another of Zedekia's ministers, Yehukual ben Shelemyahu, which was unearthed three years ago." (Photo: courtesy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"Only rarely do archaeologists come across findings of significant figures in history, which help lift the dust of history and bring the Biblical story to life in such a tangible way," said Professor Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University, noting that the newly discovered seal is very clearly preserved.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Go to the Messianic Bible Project
List of top twenty major Messianic prophecies
1. Isaiah 52:13-53:12
2. Isaiah 49:1-7
3. Isaiah 42:1-9
4. Isaiah 50:4-10
5. Psalm 118:22-23
6. Psalm 22:1-31
7. Psalm 16:7-11
8. Psalm 110:1-6
9. Micah 5:2
10. Isaiah 7:14
11. Isaiah 9:6-7
12. Psalm 2:1-12
13. Isaiah 11:1-10
14. Daniel 9:24-27
15. Malachi 3:1-6
16. Genesis 49:10
17. Zechariah 9:9
18. Zechariah 12:10-13:1
19. Daniel 7:13-14
20. Jeremiah 31:31-34
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
France determined to build European defense
As you will read below, the Lisbon treaty is moving ahead. What does that mean?---Military power for the EU.
Take some military muscle, add a powerful governing structure, add a dash of religious agenda (warped Christian Socialism) and what do you get? A recipe for end times bloggers...
"Come quickly, Lord Jesus"
France determined to build European defense: Kouchner
07 July 2008, 17:08 CET
(PARIS) - France will work to strengthen European defense during its six-month EU presidency despite the crisis over Ireland's rejection of a key reform treaty, Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Monday.
Kouchner told an EU-NATO meeting in Paris that France's plan called for "NATO and European defense complementing each other and the prospect of a strong renewal of our relationship with NATO."
President Nicolas Sarkozy has set a course for France's return to NATO's integrated command, which it left in 1966 when Charles de Gaulle rejected US dominance of the alliance.
Despite the crisis facing the European Union over its stalled institutional reform, Europe's military capabilities must be strengthened, said Kouchner, whose country holds the EU presidency until the end of the year.
He said the European Union should have the capacity to deploy two stabilization forces of up to 10,000 troops over two years in any theater.
The 27-nation European Union was thrown in disarray when Ireland rejected in a referendum last month a reform treaty designed to streamline decision-making.
The treaty must be ratified by all member states to come into force.
NATO secretary general Jaap de Hopp Scheffer called for allowing Turkey, which is a member of NATO, to be given observer status at the European defense Agency, set up in 2004 to develop a common security policy.
Kouchner said a new high-level group would be created to promote an EU-NATO dialogue and that France would present its priorities on defense to a NATO council on July 16.
A military showdown with Iran may be fast approaching.
By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Washington, D.C., July 8, 2008) -- War clouds continue to build in the epicenter. Last month in Rome, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed that the United States and Israel would soon be "annihilated," language he had not used so explicitly since October 2005 when he promised to wipe Israel "off the map" and urged Muslims to "envision a world without the United States." This week, his regime authorized a new series of Iranian war games. He ordered the digging of 320,000 graves to bury the enemies of Islam. He is calling for the unification of the Islamic world politically and economically, including the creation of a single currency.
What's more, Iranian TV is running a new anti-Semitic documentary film series entitled, "The Secret of Armageddon." Setting the stage for a coming apocalyptic war that will usher in the Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the "Twelfth Imam," the series focuses on a series of Bible prophecies that inform Jewish and Christian End Times theology. While the presentation is grossly distorted, some facts do emerge. Iranian scholar Dr. Ismail Shafe'i Sarustani , for example, tells viewers that the word "Armageddon" is "originally a Hebrew word" and "is a real geographical region, situated south of Haifa," noting that "the place was shelled by Hizbullah during the 33-day [July 2006] war." Iranian historian Mohammad-Taqi Taqipour notes that "these [Evangelical Christians], along with the Jews, believe that the War of the End of Days will take place in the desert of Megiddo, in Palestine. They believe that Jesus will return, and that then there will be a millennium of happiness."
The series, however, accuses Jews who were victims of genocide -- during the very Holocaust Ahmadinejad denies ever happened -- of actually planning to commit genocide. "There is a genocidal Zionist Jewish plan for the genocide of humanity at the hand of the Zionist Jew-boys," claims one Iranian researcher interviewed for the program. "The Zionist Jew-boys talk about a 'Greater Israel' -- from the Euphrates to the Nile -- but their actual goal is world domination." At one point, Iranian researcher Shams Al-Din Rahmani argues that "the goal of the Zionists is the total destruction of Islam."
During the June 7th episode, the narrator embraces anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and proceeds to try to justify Iran's own war plans. "Today, there are many indications that the 'hidden hands' of world Zionism were involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack. According to a large group of Western intellectuals, the Zionists are the real rulers of the United States. According to irrefutable documents published by independent American media outlets, the Zionists used intelligence agents and spies, with the full cooperation of agencies with the country, to carry out this terrorist operation in full view of the world, in order to prepare the ground for taking over Afghanistan and Iraq, and to realize the dream of a greater Israel."
Top Israeli intelligence officials, meanwhile, increasingly believe that time is running out. They believe that Iran could have nuclear weapons within a year and one former Mossad chief is urging his country's leadership to launch a massive series of air strikes against Iranian nuclear and other military facilities before it is too late. Israel's Air Force just conducted a test run of such a bombing mission.
John Bolton, the former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., says he believes Israel may strike Iran sometime in late fall or early winter, after the U.S. elections in November but before the inauguration of the next American President on January 20. A senior Pentagon officials told the Washington Post several days ago he is worried about the same scenario -- a November surprise -- prompting both President Bush and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to make strong public statements warning the Israelis not to take such actions. Until just a few weeks ago, it was widely believed in Israel that new parliamentary elections would be held in November. But at the last moment, Defense Minister Ehud Barak withdrew his threat of voting to bring down the Olmert government for a few more months, leading some to speculate that Barak may be calculating that Israelis couldn't be fully immersed in an electoral campaign and a bombing campaign simultaneously.
The U.S. does not want Israel to strike. After all, the repercussions of such a war with Iran would be global in nature. Israel would face tens of thousands of incoming missiles not just from Iran but likely from Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza and possibly the West Bank. Some of these missiles could have chemical and/or biological warheads, even if the nuclear warheads in Iran are not yet ready. Ballistic missiles would also be likely fired from Iran at the oil fields in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, at oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and the Straight of Hormuz, and at U.S. bases and forces in Iraq. Tens of thousands of suicide bomber cells could be activated in the region -- especially in Iraq and Israel -- and perhaps even in Western Europe and the U.S. and Canada. Iranian efforts to topple Jordan's King Abdullah II and/or Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in favor of radical Islamic regimes friendly to Tehran could also be set in motion. Oil prices could shoot from $140 a barrel to $300 a barrel or more. U.S. gas prices could spike to $7-$10 or more, with horrific domestic and global economic repercussions.
No wonder Washington doesn't want a war with Iran. No wants such a war. I certainly do not, and neither do the Israelis. Yet, the U.S. does not have a convincing plan to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons program in time. Nor does the U.N., or the E.U. Diplomacy isn't working. Economic sanctions have been imposed on Iran since 1979 to little strategic effect. Unfortunately, the words of Sen. John McCain keep echoing in my head this week. In April 2006, the senior Senator from Arizona appeared on NBC's Meet the Press. He said, "there's only one thing worse than using the option of military action, and that is the Iranians acquiring nuclear weapons." For if Iran gets the Bomb, he said, "I think we could have Armageddon."
Tower of Babel
Europe is setting itself up in direct opposition to God. It is slowly changing laws to squeeze the Christian church out, and it makes no secret of this. An amazing poster was issued by the European Union, showing the Tower of Babel and carrying the slogan: "Many tongues, one voice." To make sure the point of connection with the EU was not lost, a crane in the background is shown rebuilding the tower. The Biblical tower of Babel was built in rebellion to God, man like Lucifer wanting to be free of God and be like Him: "And they said, Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Gen 11:4) What do you think rebuilding the tower means? Surely to restart building the tower of rebellion is for them "freedom", for decadent ungodly Europe says: "God is dead".
Above the Tower of Babel there are the 12 eurostars, in similitude to the 12 stars around the head of the various Mary. But, do note also that the stars are inverted as typically satanic, pointing down.
The European Parliament in Strasburg was modeled on a painting done in 1563 of the Tower of Babel, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, a Flemish Northern Renaissance Painter.
It is hard to escape the notion that the second Babylon is now being rebuilt in Europe, and those who would follow Nimrod have now succeeded in building a parliament building in Strasbourg, France, whose centerpiece is an enormous replica of the unfinished tower of Babel. Indeed the building is commonly referred to as "The Tower of Eurobabel."
Is Scripture being fulfilled before our eyes, for those with eyes to see?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Olmert Thanks AIPAC, Highlights Israel’s Search for Peace
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday delivered the keynote address to more than 7,000 pro-Israel activists, diplomats and lawmakers at the AIPAC Policy Conference 2008 Gala Banquet. The prime minister expressed the Jewish state’s deep appreciation for AIPAC’s work. “Israel is grateful for AIPAC’s tireless efforts and unending dedication to promoting joint American-Israeli relations, values and interests,” Olmert said. “AIPAC empowers the next generation of American supporters of Israel and ensures that the alliance between Israel and the United States is never taken for granted.” Olmert also highlighted his efforts to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority and emphasized the growing danger of Iran’s illicit nuclear program. To view highlights of the speech, CLICK HERE.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday delivered the keynote address to more than 7,000 pro-Israel activists, diplomats and lawmakers at the AIPAC Policy Conference 2008 Gala Banquet. The prime minister expressed the Jewish state’s deep appreciation for AIPAC’s work. “Israel is grateful for AIPAC’s tireless efforts and unending dedication to promoting joint American-Israeli relations, values and interests,” Olmert said. “AIPAC empowers the next generation of American supporters of Israel and ensures that the alliance between Israel and the United States is never taken for granted.” Olmert also highlighted his efforts to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority and emphasized the growing danger of Iran’s illicit nuclear program. To view highlights of the speech, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Subway...Insert FOOTlong into your mouth!
Subway sandwich contest: Homeschoolers not wanted
Spelling-challenged promotion offers gift 'bastket' to winners
By Jay Baggett
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Subway, the sandwich restaurant, wants to hear your child's story – unless he or she is homeschooled.
The national chain's "Every Sandwich Tells a Story Contest" offers prizes and a chance to be published on the Subway website and in Scholastic's "Parent & Child" magazine but specifically excludes homeschoolers:
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Contest is open only to legal residents of the Untied (sic) States who are currently over the age of 18 and have children who attend elementary, private or parochial schools that serve grades PreK-6. No home schools will be accepted.
CLICK HERE for the Subway Official Contest site.
Subway's website promotion not only misspells "United" States, but offers the grand prize winner a "Scholastic Gift Bastket (sic) for your home."
The 2007 winner of the Scripps National Spelling Bee was Evan O'Dorney, a 13-year old homeschool student from Danville, Calif.
Contestants are urged to write, in 500 words or less, a story that has a beginning, middle, and end using one of four provided story starters:
The Mysterious Meatball
When the invitation to the Meatball came in the mail...
Turkey Doesn't Live Here Anymore
There was a loud knock on the door, but when Salami Sam opened it ...
The Race to Red Onion Ranch
Everyone gathered in the center of town for the start of the race except ...
Nothing Better
The smell of fresh baked bread coming from the store was so good that ...
The contest, launched in January, has a deadline of June 30, 2008. A grand prize winner and 6 runners-up will be selected on July 15 and announced approximately a week later.
Subway contest
The company's website promotion encourages submitters to describe in their essays "random acts of fitness," such as eating right, exercising, playing sports and living a healthy lifestyle.
Subway has marketed itself for several years as a healthy alternative to fast food, featuring spokesman Jared Fogle who went from 425 pounds to 190 pounds on a daily diet of the chain's lower-calorie sandwiches.
The exclusion of homeschoolers, presumably because the grand prize includes $5,000 worth of athletic equipment for the winning child's school, has caught the attention of bloggers who educate their children.
Valerie Bonham Moon, writing for HomeEdMag, referred to the exclusion as "Subway's P.R. gaffe."
"By now, the Subway sandwich shop marketing division must know how bad of a decision it was on the part of whichever wonk who decided to expressly exclude homeschoolers from their latest contest. E-mail lists may not be utterly aflame over the exclusion, but there is more than one p---ed-off homeschool mom spreading the word. I've been reading their e-mails."
Moon notes Subway, with a bit of forethought, could have easily included homeschoolers:
"One of the more obvious work-arounds that the developers of the Subway contest could have included for homeschooling parents who entered on their children’s behalf, was for the equipment to be donated to a local park, or to a school of the winner's choice. Problem solved – good will all around. Too bad that it didn't play out that way.
"I look forward to seeing how the Subway wonks handle their self-inflicted wound."
The blogger at Capturing Today, a homeschooling mother, isn't waiting for the self-inflicted wound, suggesting homeschool families "act now!"
"Excuse me, but there are MILLIONS of homeschool students in this nation and this is just discrimination. A homeschool student could easily donate the athletic equipment to their homeschool athletic association, local park, athletic center, neighborhood center or the like. I realize they are doing this to have a mass-marketing effect, but they could have just as great a media response from a charitable homeschool student donating the prize.
"I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for us to make our voices heard that we as homeschool families are tired of being cast in a negative light.
Jim and Cathy Peschke, blogging at Croydoncraft, expressed their displeasure by entering an essay on behalf of their 3-year-old homeschooled daughter who, while visiting a Subway restaurant, breaks into tears upon learning she's not eligible to enter the contest.
"I cried and cried, and asked Daddy if we could leave. He said 'Certainly. Not only will we never visit a mean old Subway store again, we'll organize a B-O-Y-C-O-T-T of Subway stores by all your homeschooling friends!'
'I sure hope Subway changes their silly policy so Mommy and Daddy can take me back for more sandwiches.'"
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Charlemagne Prize and Bible Prophecy
The Charlemagne Prize and Bible Prophecy
Thursday, German chancellor Angela Merkel received the Charlemagne Prize, an award given each year to the European who does the most to unite Europe. Learn more HERE. The award is named after Charlemagne – an eighth century ruler who led Europe’s first attempt at reviving the fallen Roman Empire.
Merkel was selected for her work chairing the European Union’s rotating presidency during the successful adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in December.
The Charlemagne Prize failed to capture the notice of most Christians, but it shouldn’t have. Why? It represents the current fulfillment of an ancient Bible prophecy.
The award is another demonstration that the European Union – geographically and socio-politically – sees itself as a revival of the Roman Empire. EU leaders make frequent Roman allusions in their institutions, art and documents. In a speech in 2005, EU high representative Javier Solana said that 1957 – when the Treaty of Rome was signed — marked the date when the “Europeans rekindled the sacred fire” that was extinguished when the Roman Empire was conquered in 410. Read the speech HERE.
What’s fascinating about this is that, millennia ago, the Bible prophesied that the final world kingdom would be a revival of the Roman Empire (Daniel 2:40-43).
Yet, since prophecy isn’t taught in most churches and seminaries today, most Christians won’t see it.
— Holly Pivec
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