Monday, December 17, 2007

From The Reform Treaty and the Beast From the Sea

The Reform Treaty and the Beast From the Sea

Besides creating a more powerful foreign minister, the EU Reform Treaty does something else that seems to be significant to the end-times scenario we've been reporting here at FP. The treaty will keep the EU military under the rule of a 10-nation military alliance -- until 2014.

As my father, Herb Peters, reported in his book Recommendation 666, the 10 Western European Union nations -- a.k.a. the Brussels Treaty Powers -- have secured a military monopoly in Europe. Not only are these 10 nations the core of Europe's emerging military, but they also hold sway in the Council of the European Union -- the center of power in the EU -- since, under the weighted voting system, they hold the majority of votes.

The weighted voting system was introduced by the Treaty of Nice in 2000, but, ever since the EU enlargement, the other nations have been trying to abolish it. And, that's exactly what the Reform Treaty plans to do. It plans to replace it with a more democratic majority voting system. But, this isn't scheduled to take place until 2014. Read about this here.

Why is this date significant? If you've been following the news reported here at FP, then you know that the 70th week of Daniel may have begun Jan. 1, 2007. Since the 70th week is understood to be a period of seven years, then that means all the events prophesied to take place in Daniel's 70th week -- the last seven years of world history-- will be completed by 2014. In the meantime, it appears that the 10 nations will retain their military rule, under a powerful foreign minister.

And, according to Bible prophecy, a 10-nation military alliance will appear in a revived Roman Empire (the European Union) and support the Antichrist's foreign policy. This empire and its evil leader are depicted symbolically as a beast rising from the sea. It seems the Reform Treaty may play a key role in their emergence.

Staying tuned!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

If You Died Tomorrow, Where Would You Go?

This was an email I wrote to my cousin, who's young husband had a heart attack yesterday. Although this was a personal and heartfelt letter, I realized that as creations of God, we are all in the same family. God's wish is my own wish; that none should perish but have everlasting life...

Don’t things like this remind us how fragile life can be? It reminds us of our mortality. It reminds us that we really can’t control anything. We are caused to stop, reflect and think about what happens when we die.

The society we are a part of teaches us to do what feels right, when we want and that morality is based on personal preference and experience. If our time on earth is limited, then we should enjoy all of its pleasures. I mean, after all, what else is there? These are the same people who choose to ignore a Designer or a Creator. By admitting there is a Creator we are admitting that there is a standard of ethics and morality in which we must judge our decisions. If we admit that, we admit the Truth of God’s Word and by making that claim, we hold ourselves accountable.

Most of us don’t want to be accountable. Most of us believe that we control our own lives completely. Most of us believe that our standard of “good” comes from within ourselves. If we are nice to enough people, if we try not to lie, if we try to be givers…This is hopeless.

Let’s say for a minute that when we die, we will be held accountable for our actions. Not in the sense that some may think, but according to our beliefs not our deeds. Let’s use the Ten Commandments as a standard, remembering that God gave these to the Nation of Israel as a reference to judge morality or really, to serve as a mirror to their sin.

~ Have you ever told a lie? Come on now, answer truthfully. ;) Then what does that make you? A liar, right?
~ Have you ever taken the Lord’s name in vain? Meaning, have you use His name to show disgust? According to God, that makes you a blasphemer.
~ Have you ever worshiped a false idol? Meaning, has anything ever taken priority over God? Or have you ever prayed to anyone besides God? Or have you created your own idea of God?
~ Have you ever stolen anything? Now don’t forget how you answered the first question! What does that make you? No, not a “stealer”, but a thief.
~ Have you ever looked at a woman or a man with lust? Jesus says that he who looks upon a woman with lust is guilty of committing adultery in his heart.
~ Have you ever murdered someone? Jesus says that he who Hates a man has committed murder is his heart.

How many of those have you broken? That was six out of ten. Personally, I’ve broken those six and the other four. So let’s say for as minute that you are judged according to God’s Law. Would you be guilty or innocent? You may say guilty which would be correct or you may say innocent, “I am good most of the time and God is a just and loving God. Surely he won’t punish me.”

Well God is just and loving. Imagine that you are standing in a courtroom awaiting the judge’s sentence. You have committed an unimaginable crime. You say to the judge, “Judge, I have been mostly good all my life. I have only really messed up this one time.” Based on your argument, would the judge set you free or would the judge, required to uphold the law, sentence you to jail or worse?

Now let’s say that right before the judge passes his ruling, a stranger walks into the courtroom and says, “Wait, Judge! Before you sentence this man, I want to take his punishment. I will pay his fine with my money or my life.” This stranger is willing to take your punishment so that you may be set free.

We have broken God’s Law and for that the judgment we deserve is eternity separated from God, an eternity in Hell. BUT---There was such a man that was willing to take on the punishment of the world to set them free. “For God SO loved the world that he sent his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

Salvation is not something to be earned. “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” To God, our good deeds without Jesus as our covering are “like filthy rags.”

You are my family and I love each of you so much that I am willing to speak God’s truth and risk alienating myself. That's okay though. It is not me who offends you, it is God’s Word. Some of you may know Jesus as a person, as your Lord and your Savior. One day, when we are all in Heaven, we will rejoice together. But some of you may not and before those of us will be able to rejoice we will weep for you. I ask you today to consider your life. Consider a life without hope, a life without meaning. Now consider Jesus. He is alive and willing to take away your sins if you confess them to Him. His gift is free. He paid your penalty 2,000 years ago before you were born. His payment covers your sins in your past and your sins in your future. Receive it.

Ask yourself, “If I died tomorrow, where would I go?”

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lucis Trust aka. Lucifer Trust is the UN's Publishing Company

The UN seeks to control the world. The UN claims to have no religious agenda. I would argue otherwise and I'd be mindful of anyone pushing a "One World" agenda.

Read the following and follow these links if you want to blow your mind! Yes, this stuff is really being taught!

WORLD GOODWILL (Ahhh, sounds warm and fuzzy right? Think again!)

"The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation, Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.

At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that in the new age "World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain." In other words - a One World Government New World Order.

Luci's Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former minister of Defence in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow). Luci's Trust sponsors among others the following organizations: UN, Greenpeace Int., Greenpeace USA, Amnesty Int. and UNICEF.

The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that "Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans". [Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]"


Here is their "Great Invocation"

A Mantram for the New Age and for all Humanity

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

PS...I think I'm going to be sick now!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Texas Hospitals Reflect Debate on Immigration

This is a NY Times article By JULIA PRESTON, Published: July 18, 2006

There was an email circulating about free health care for illegal immigrants in Texas, no questions asked.

But, if you're legally poor in America, you'd better have your social security number handy to verify your income!

Here is was on SNOPES

Here is the NY TIMES article

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Are you Illegaly in the USA? No Problem, NY Can Help!

CLICK HERE to find out how NY Governor Spitzer is offering drivers licenses to anybody who wants one. But the people have spoken and are hot stinkin mad! Phew, at least I'm not the only one awake in this country.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Golden Compass

"You are urged, people of faith and values not to corrupt your children with the odious atheistic world view of "The Golden Compass." Instead, there are plenty of good movies this Christmas, such as "Enchanted," that will build and not destroy values.

A society shaped by the materialist and godless ethic promoted by films like "The Golden Compass" is a society without hope. If there is no God and no eternity, if all that exists is matter, human life loses all value. Sex becomes the ultimate form of pleasure we can achieve, and unlimited autonomy from other people while being our own gods becomes the goal. A society like this will destroy itself."

Please CLICK HERE to read WND's full story on this film.
Shame on you Nicole Kidman!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Scholars Wish to Omit 'Problematic" Text in the Bible

The story below is only part of the whole.

The following quote is one of the most absurd statements I have ever read, "In some instances, he continued, people of faith need to say to themselves, "This is part of my sacred tradition, but I reject it. I find this text offensive. It goes against my own morality, and it goes against what I believe God expects of me in the world today.""
Since when has God's Word been offensive and why on earth would I reject it? ~Molly

Christian, Jewish and Muslim experts met this week to add context to passages that have been perceived as hostile toward other faiths.

By K. Connie Kang, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 20, 2007


Speaking with mutual respect and sensitivity, prominent Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars and clergy from around the country met in Los Angeles this week to "wrestle" with what one rabbi described as the "dark side" of the three faith traditions.

Experts cited "problematic" passages from the Hebrew Scripture, the New Testament and the Koran that assert the superiority of one belief system over others.

As an example, the Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith, ecumenical and interreligous official of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, quoted from the Gospel of Mark: "Go into the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."

Rabbi Reuven Firestone, director of the Institute for the Study of Jewish-Muslim Interrelations at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, mentioned a series of texts, including a verse from Deuteronomy: "For you are a people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples of the earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people."

And Muzammil H. Siddiqi, chairman of the Fiqh (Islamic Law) Council of North America, quoted from the Koran:

"You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies: they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them -- God does not guide such wrongdoers."

In explaining the passage from the Gospel of Mark, Smith said that the troubling portion was appended a century after it was written -- when the four Gospels were compiled.

He said the longer ending, which added 12 verses, was written at a time when Christians either were questioning their faith in the resurrection of Jesus or defending it against skeptics and nonbelievers.

Siddiqi took up the quote from the Koran, found in Chapter 5, verse 51, explaining that the problem lies not in the text, but in its interpretation.

"Some extremists among Muslims use this text to say that Muslims should not trust non-Muslims," he said. "Some Islam bashers use this text to claim that Islam is an unfriendly religion," said Siddiqi, who is also chairman of the Shura Council of Southern California.

He said the verse was revealed to the prophet Muhammad after the Battle of Hadh, when Muslims of Medina were overwhelmed by a larger number of nonbelievers from Mecca. "After that, Muslims were very frightened," he said. "Some, who were weak in their faith, said, 'We are going to make alliance with Jewish people, in order to find protection there.' Some said, 'We are going to make alliance with Christians, so we'll have protection there.' "

The idea behind the verse is not that Muslims should shun Jews and Christians, but that they should stand up on their own feet and do their best, he said.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


WND Exclusive Commentary
My choice for president

Posted: October 21, 2007
8:20 p.m. Eastern

A short time ago, I wrote in jest about what I would do if I am elected president. Of course, that was written all in good fun.

Like most of you, over the summer and into the fall, I've been watching, listening, studying and praying about who could lead this country as our next president.

I won't leave you in suspense. Though Giuliani might be savvy enough to lead people, Fred Thompson wise enough to wade through the tides of politics, McCain tough enough to fight terrorism and Romney business-minded enough to grow our economy, I believe the only one who has all of the characteristics to lead America forward into the future is ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Newt Gingrich called Mike "very effective … if Huckabee can find money, he will be dramatically competitive almost overnight." Bill Clinton called Huckabee the "only dark horse that's got any kind of chance … He's the best speaker they've got." There is even a pro-Huckabee swell rising among the younger generation.

Who he is (before what he can do)

More than anything he has done or can do, however, it is first who Mike is that impresses me most.

Part of our backward culture is reflected in the fact that we measure and value people by what they do, instead of first who they are. As a result, we nominate charisma, cast votes for articulation and repeatedly elect too many paper-thin corrupt politicians. Of course, I want a president who gets things done, but I first want one who has lived a life of integrity, commitment, truthfulness and respect. Mike is that man.

Mike hasn't lived an isolated, out-of-touch life like so many politicians. He was raised in Hope, Ark., with a dad who was a firefighter and always had a second job. Mike and his sister grew up poor, not privileged. He was the first person in his family to graduate from high school. And he worked two jobs in college and graduated in two-and-a-half years. He is an outdoorsman too – an avid fisherman, hunter and a long-term member of the NRA.

Mike is a committed husband and father. He has always prioritized his family before politics. His wife, two sons and daughter speak his highest praise.

Mike has also faced unique adversity, from helping a young wife endure the trials of spinal cancer to aiding the victims of hurricane Katrina as the governor of Arkansas. He has a heart for helping and will fight for the causes of average citizens. He is known for having a compassionate heart, genuinely caring for all people.

Mike is also a respected and fearless leader, and he does not cower to the cries of any majority or minority. He doesn't abandon his values for what's expedient. Like our Founding Fathers, he's not afraid to stand up for a Creator and against secularist beliefs. At the same time, he doesn't fear offending Christian leaders who give up their values in pursuit of electing their "team leader" just like everyone else.

A track record toward the presidency

Mike Huckabee has already proven his ability to lead our citizens as a lieutenant governor for three years in 1993 and governor of Arkansas for the following 10 years. Time magazine called him one of the best governors in America.

As governor, Mike led the citizens of Arkansas through difficult conditions. He balanced the budget each year, enhanced technology in commerce, was tough on crime, used tobacco lawsuit monies to better health care, initiated a toll-free hotline to report tips on government corruption and 16 times had to endure the long nights of the soul before he gave permission for executions to proceed. He also initiated the ARKids First program, cutting the number of uninsured children in half.

It's not a coincidence that four out of the last five presidents we've had were governors because they proved their abilities, perseverance and heart for running our country by serving in those state capacities. As New Man men's magazine (July/August 2007) said, "His proven ability to cast a compelling vision, as he did while governor, that transcends party, ideology and class might enable America to unite and begin to heal, an especially important goal at this point in our history."

Where he stands, and what he will do

Mike Huckabee will fight for the issues that lead us safely, and with prosperity, into the future. Here are several of his positions in his own words (to read or watch Mike speak about the issues, click the title)

Reviving healthcare – "The health care system in this country is irrevocably broken. … As president, I will work with the private sector, Congress, health care providers and other concerned parties to lead a complete overhaul of our health care system."

Implementing a FairTax – "I support the FairTax. As governor of Arkansas, I cut taxes and fees almost 100 times, saving the taxpayers almost $380 million. I left a surplus of nearly $850 million, which I urged should go back to the people. Our massive deficit is not due to Americans being under-taxed, but to the government's over-spending."

Creating more choices for education – "I believe that every child should have the opportunity for a quality education that teaches the fundamental skills needed to compete in a global economy. … Test scores rose dramatically when I was governor of Arkansas because of my education reforms."

Stopping illegal immigration –"My number one priority is to secure America's border."

Winning the war on terror – "I believe that we are currently engaged in a world war. This war is not a conventional war, and these terrorists are not a conventional enemy. … With a focus on renewed diplomacy and inclusion, we can accomplish the goals of our nation without having to go it alone."

Saving marriage – "I support, and have consistently supported, passage of a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. … As governor of Arkansas, I led the successful effort to pass a similar state constitutional amendment in 2002."

Protecting the right to life – "I support, and have always supported, passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life."

Achieving energy independence –"The first thing I will do as president is send Congress my comprehensive plan for energy independence. We will achieve energy independence by the end of my second term."

(I will address the whys of these and other positions in upcoming articles)

An ordained minister as president?

Does the fact that Mike Huckabee served as an ordained minister create a disadvantage to his election or presidency? Not if one knows Huckabee and history.

First, many may not realize there was an active clergy (Presbyterian minister John Witherspoon) among the signers of the Declaration of Independence – and that two others had been previously ministers. Others were sons of clergy. Virtually all were Protestant Christians.

Signers of the Constitution even included Abraham Baldwin, a minister. "Williamson, Madison, and possibly others, had studied in this field but had never been ordained." And again, most signers of the Constitution were also Protestant Christians, except two, Carroll and Fitzsimons, who were Roman Catholics.

Being honored to share this bi-vocational duty as minister and politician with some of those early patriots, Huckabee has advanced and fine tuned his people and oratory skills. And most of all, it has taught him to put others first. Isn't that what we want in a leader?

Mike is a compassionate Christian conservative. Though solid in his faith and standing for traditional family values, he's not an uncaring extremist. He lives what he believes, and respects others' beliefs even when they disagree with him, committed to a republic that was founded upon the free exercise of religion.

In all respects, Huckabee meets our Founders' recommendations for president.

The David among them

The one question that remains is: Can Huckabee win the nomination? The presidency?

As with the other candidates, Huckabee has, and will continue to have, his hecklers: "He hasn't raised enough money." "He'll never beat Hillary." "Our society is too prejudice and paranoid to vote for a once Baptist minister." "He'll never out-race the top four Republican candidates."

I was thinking about these types of comments the other day when I recalled another leader in ancient times that didn't match up in the line up: King David. Seven men were poised and paraded for the position of king, but David was left in the field shepherding because he wasn't "a frontrunner in the polls." They overlooked the best because they were too busy judging by outward appearance. But God appointed David king.

It's time to quit choosing our leaders based solely upon charisma or one strong suite, and move back to being a culture which esteems and elects its leaders because of character and qualifications. It's substance, not pizzazz, we should want in a leader. Mike Huckabee is the real deal.

Huckabee in '08!

Friends, it's time for people to get off the bench and onto the playing field. If we are going to see a man like Mike Huckabee elected, it's time to rally behind him, support him financially, pray for him daily and spread the word of his character, platform and experience.

So can a man who was raised in a poor background from Hope, Ark., become governor then president? As Mike says, "Our country has already proven that!" What I would ask is: Give Hope another chance! This time, they want to send in the real cavalry.

Keep Hope alive! Join my wife Gena and me by electing Mike Huckabee in '08!

Pastor John Hagee Speaks Out

OCTOBER 09, 2007

GLENN: Hello, sir, how are you?

PASTOR HAGEE: I'm fine, Glenn, how are you today?

GLENN: I'm very good. So where do we start with your controversial views on Iran?

PASTOR HAGEE: Well, you first begin with the principle that there's a right and there is a wrong. There's an evil and there's a righteous. There's a light and there's a darkness. You cannot continue to walk in this American political fog and come to definitions of right and wrong. We have to recognize that Iran is a threat to Western civilization. Iran is deadly serious about acquiring nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad has pledged to share those weapons with terrorist organizations around the world. The statements this man is making, they are not statements off the cuff. They are statements that he has made from prepared speeches, which means it was the thought process of his innermost being. He's saying that Israel should be wiped off the map, he's saying that Israel will disappear in a sudden storm, and that means a nuclear storm, he said I can see the day God willing, that God being Allah, when there will be no more Israel and no more America. Very clearly this man intends to attack Israel first, he wants to create a nuclear Holocaust and then he wants to bring that sight to the streets of America.

GLENN: You had several meetings with fairly prominent individuals. You've met with Benjamin Netanyahu. Have you had enough conversations with these people to tell them that you believe that we're living in the end times, and what is their reaction?

Pastor John Hagee

PASTOR HAGEE: Yes, Benjamin Netanyahu sat in my office and we have talked about the geopolitical circumstances of the Middle East. Benjamin Netanyahu sat just across my desk and told me that when he was prime minister, he had to give photographic proof to the United States intelligence agencies to convince them that Russia was in Iran helping them produce long-range missiles. Now, those long-range missiles would have the ability to hit London, New York, and Jerusalem, and right now Israel. Iran is trying to get their hands on nuclear weapons and if they can put nuclear warheads on these missiles, can you imagine, Glenn, a world where London, New York, and Jerusalem have been hit by a nuclear missile on the same day. That's the nightmare scenario that Ahmadinejad is trying to put together and he's dangerously close to doing it.

GLENN: Everyone will say that Iran is a third world country, it doesn't have this kind of power, it doesn't have the control that we say. He is just thumping his chest and he's just a guy who's using religion to whip everybody up in his own region and hold onto his power, that he doesn't have -- he is not a threat because he just doesn't have the power to get it done.

PASTOR HAGEE: That's a serious mistake and it's totally wrong. He does have the power, he does have the wealth, he does have the assistance. The Russians have been helping him for years. The intelligence agencies of Israel know that he's dangerously close to having nuclear capability. He does have a following of at least 200 million people. There are 1.3 or .4 billion Islamics and all authorities say that 15 to 20% of these people feel that they have a mandate from God to kill Christians and Jews. That means he has 200 million people following him who would be willing to strap a bomb on and to walk into the place where you're eating or to walk into a school or to a university or to a church or to a synagogue and blow everybody up in there and think that they have done God a favor. This man does have the motive, the ability, and the theology to drive him to do it. He believes that if he starts the third world war, the twelfth Imam will suddenly and mysteriously appear. I understand they don't know where he is now and they don't know who he is. But if they start this world war, he will appear and lead them to victory and produce a global Sharia, which is an Islamic law that rules the world.

GLENN: All right. So what makes you believe -- by the way, we're talking to Pastor John Hagee. What makes you believe that we're living in the end times? No man will know.

PASTOR HAGEE: Well, the Bible says no man knows the day, nor the hour. That's a 24-hour period of time. So that means no one can set the date that Jesus Christ is coming back to Earth. But the Bible says that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man. The days of Noah were these: That God told Noah that a flood was coming, that he was to build the ark and that when he built the ark, the animals would get on it, he would put his family of eight people on that ark and God would shut the door.

Now, as it was in the days of Noah, whenever Noah got that ark built, which took him over 100 years, and the animals were on by the assistance of God himself, his family was on and the Bible says and God shut the door. When you're Noah, you've built the ark, the animals are on, your family's on and God has shut the door, you know it's time for the rain to start. You don't know exactly what day it's going to start, but you know it's very, very near. And the Bible gives a series of prophetic signs in the Bible that will be a very clear indicator of the terminal generation that is on the face of the Earth.

GLENN: You know I'm playing devil's advocate here, so to speak. You know, people have been saying the end is near forever, forever. I mean, even the apostles thought he was coming back pretty quickly.

PASTOR HAGEE: That's true.

GLENN: So what makes you say that this is, this is it, this is the scenario?

PASTOR HAGEE: Well, the thing that makes me say that is the Bible signs that were given. This is the only generation that has ever lived on the face of the Earth where all of these phenomenons line up like lights leading an airplane to a landing strip. There's thirst of knowledge explosion of Daniel 12. Daniel said -- God's saying to Daniel, shut up the book, the book that Daniel is writing, until the time of the end. That's a very important phrase, "Until the time of the end," when knowledge shall be greatly increased. Now, that phrase literally translates there will be a knowledge explosion. We are the generation that has had that knowledge explosion. From the Garden of Eden until the 12th century, men rode on horseback just as King David and Julius Caesar and George Washington to found this nation. And then came the automobile and then came jets and then came a man on the moon. Consider communication. From the Garden of Eden until the 12th century, men communicated principally the same way, beatings of drums, mirrors from mountains to mountains. But then came the telegraph and then the television and now we have the ability, with satellite television, to communicate to people all over the Earth anywhere on the Earth because the knowledge explosion has happened. From the Garden of Eden to the 12th century and medical science, nothing changed. But now medical science has become so advanced that we've had to redefine death because we have the ability to keep people alive with machines and stimulants. So we are, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that generation that has had the knowledge explosion. So that's signal number one.

GLENN: Do you believe, do you believe that the Army of the Mahdi, which is basically the Army of the twelfth Imam if you are Shia and you believe as President Tom does, do you believe that the Army of the Mahdi and President Ahmadinejad are fighting a battle for the literal antichrist?

PASTOR HAGEE: You have asked a question that is really the hot button question in Christian theology right now because when the antichrist comes to the Earth, he's going to do three things. One, he's going to come as a prince of peace, he's going to establish a one world government, and he's going to establish a one world religion and now there are many religious believers, religious theologians who believe that perhaps that one world religion that he's talking about is Islam because one of the things that happens in the tribulation period, and the tribulation period is the seven-year period that happens on the Earth when there's such devastation that happens on the planet is that anyone who does not receive the faith of the antichrist is beheaded, and beheading is the methodology of execution of Islam.

GLENN: So you didn't really answer the question. You don't have to, but you didn't really answer the question. All right. Well, pastor, I appreciate it. Are you surprised at how few people are paying attention to things that are seemingly so clear when Ahmadinejad got up in front of the UN and now has moved to the front of his speeches what used to be at the last: Oh, Allah, give me the strength to hasten the return of the promised one.

PASTOR HAGEE: That's who he's talking about.

GLENN: Yeah, I know that's who he's talking about. And are you surprised how few people are paying attention to this or taking him seriously and how the media is just completely dismissing his religiosity?

PASTOR HAGEE: I am surprised that that's happening in America, and here's the problem. If you admit there is a problem, you have to then solve the problem, and it's just so much more convenient for political leaders, for media leaders to talk about the problem rather than confess there is a problem because if you say there is a problem, you have to solve the problem. And then if you say there's a problem, people become disturbed, but let me tell you something. If we let this man do what he wishes to do, we will see the day that he will put missiles that have nuclear warheads and he will start a world war that will literally destabilize Western civilization and the day. He has the power, he has the knowledge, he has the willingness. 9/11, 9/11 proved that radical Islam has the willingness to attack us. They just didn't have the power. But if Ahmadinejad gets his hands on nuclear power, they will then have the willingness and the power to take us down.

GLENN: Are you advocating going in with troops and taking him out?

PASTOR HAGEE: I think that the United States should put everything on the table and quit talking about the problem and solve the problem. Everyone says that Iran is killing one third of our people in the field of combat in Iraq. That's an act of war. That gives us the license to go in, to take action without dancing with the United Nations for the rest of our lives, but no one in Washington seems willing to do that. I'll assure you whatever it takes, forces on the ground, a military preemptive strike to destroy his nuclear capacity to produce nuclear weapons. If we don't do it, Israel will have to do it because Israel knows they are number one on his hit list and they have the muscle to back him down.

GLENN: Are you under attack? I've got to believe you are. Can you talk a little bit about the strange situation that you must find yourself in where you are under attack for saying, you know, quote/unquote hateful things when you are talking about an individual who has said what he has said and yet there would be those in this country that would label you a religious zealot that would be dangerous?

PASTOR HAGEE: Yes. The same thing happened when Hitler was in Germany, and Hitler was saying we're going to kill the Jews. There were a handful of people who rose up and resisted Hitler and predominantly the majority of the German people resisted. Martin Niemoller was a Lutheran pastor who resisted Hitler aggressively. Hitler put him in prison and the final days of Hitler's administration had Martin Niemoller killed because Martin Niemoller spotted him for who he was, labeled him and everything he said about him came exactly true. History is repeating itself. We are, in fact, reliving 1938. Iran is Germany. Ahmadinejad is Hitler. When Hitler was talking about killing the Jews, no one was listening, and especially the Christians of Europe were strangely silent, the Christians of the world were strangely silent. Here we are in the 21st century. We have another Hitler. He has the ability, he has the power, he has the motive. He wants to put together nuclear weapons to have a nuclear Holocaust in Israel, and this time we have organized a national organization called Christians United for Israel for the purpose of standing up and speaking for Israel and the Jewish people. We're not going to do this two times in a row. We are not going to have another Holocaust, not on our watch. There are millions of Christians in this country who are ready to scream on any given day that Israel is threatened and in a serious way.

GLENN: Pastor John Hagee, I appreciate your time, sir. We're going to spend some more time with you later in the television show, spend a full hour with you. I want to get into a little bit of what you talked to me about last night, that America does not exist in the end times, in the Bible as it is laid out and you said that's because we won't play any significant role. And we'll get more into that later on in the week on the TV show. Pastor, thank you very much. I appreciate it, sir.

PASTOR HAGEE: Thank you, Glenn. I look forward to seeing you Friday.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Israel Warns World War III May be Biblical War of Gog and Magog

It is interesting that we don't all have to believe in the same things to derive at the same timeline. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in a similar end. Read this article to see how the prophecy in the book of Ezekiel will fit into our near future.

by Ezra HaLevi

US President George W. Bush said a nuclear Iran would mean World War III. Israeli newscasts featured Gog & Magog maps of the likely alignment of nations in that potential conflict.

Channel 2 and Channel 10 TV showed the world map, sketching the basic alignment of the two opposing axes in a coming world war, in a manner evoking associations of the Gog and Magog prophecy for many viewers. The prophecy of Gog and Magog refers to a great world war centered on the Holy Land and Jerusalem and first appears in the book of Yechezkel (Ezekiel).

On one side were Israel, the United States, Britain, France and Germany. On the other were Iran, Russia, China, Syria and North Korea.

US President Bush said Wednesday during a press conference that Iran attaining nuclear weapons raises the risk of "World War III."

"If Iran had a nuclear weapon, it'd be a dangerous threat to world peace," Bush said. "So I told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested [in preventing a nuclear Iran]…I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Iran Tuesday and slammed the US’s refusal to rule out the use of force against Iran’s nuclear project. "Not only should we reject the use of force, but also the mention of force as a possibility," he said.

Russia has blocked tougher UN sanctions in the UN Security Council, where it has veto power. The Russian president asserts that there is no evidence Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons rather than a peaceful nuclear power program.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called for a new Security Council resolution against Iran at a press conference following her meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Wednesday. "I do believe there is a need for another Security Council resolution,” she told reporters. “In the past, the need to get everybody on board - including Russia and China - led to some compromises on the nature of the sanctions. I hope this will not be the case this time."

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced Wednesday a sudden trip to Moscow Thursday morning, where he will meet with Putin about Iran. Other topics of discussion will reportedly be Russia’s continued supply of weapons to Syria, which have then made their way into the hands of various terrorist groups based there as well.

CLICK HERE to order the The Magog Invasion - DVD - Chuck Missler

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

FairTax Takes on the IRS!

So what's the difference between the FairTax vs. Flat Tax vs. IRS?

Here is a SIMPLE CHART that compares the FairTax with today's income tax and the so-called "flat tax."

No matter how you look at it, the FairTax leaves more money in more taxpayers' pockets. has created a calculator that lets you enter in your tax-relevant information and compare how your taxes under the FairTax compare to what you pay today. Keep in mind that this is a real-world model based on today's horribly complicated tax code. If you are in the middle of wrestling to figure out your own taxes, much of the information needed for the calculator may be at hand. In any case, the complexity of this calculator is necessary in order to accurately assess your details as they apply in the current system and are not a reflection of the FairTax. As you work with the calculator, imagine how you will be freed of all the time and money associated with preparing tax returns and how simple our tax lives will be under the FairTax.

to launch the calculator. (Please note, you will need Microsoft Excel or the free Open Office from installed on your computer to launch the calculator. We are developing a java version that will not require special software like Excel in order to work. We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, if you cannot launch the calculator click here to get a tax comparison worksheet that you can print and complete manually.)

Monday, October 15, 2007

'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California

"Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.

"We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California," said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute.

"With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers."

"Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered young children into the hands of those who will introduce them to alternative sexual lifestyles," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, which worked to defeat the plans. "This means children as young as five years old will be mentally molested in school classrooms.

"Shame on Schwarzenegger and the Democrat politicians for ensuring that every California school becomes a homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination center," he said.

Analysts have warned that schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser, which often is California, and they will be unlikely to go to the expense of having a separate edition for other states.

The bills signed by Schwarzenegger include SB777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices.

There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however.

CLICK HERE for full story

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Battle for Jerusalem Begins

...'"I realized a long time ago to my sorrow that there was no doubt Olmert would divide Jerusalem," he said. "Today it has become clear that even the Temple Mount, the heart of hearts of the Jewish People, is on the sales sheet for destruction. "

Hendel added that Israel relinquishing control of the Temple Mount constitutes "an existential threat to the State of Israel."

Olmert’s intent to divide Jerusalem also comes in direct contradiction to a previous promise he made to Christian Zionists a year ago, as well as one made by Foreign Minister and then-deputy Prime Minister Tzipi Livni several months ago.'


Monday, October 8, 2007

First North American Union Driver's Licenses Issued in US

by Jim Kouri, CPP

(This article is based on a report received by the National Association of Chiefs of Police.)

While the battle over providing illegal aliens with driver's licenses rages in state capitals and Washington, DC, North Carolina created the first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the North American continent on the licenses.

The hologram is a facsimile of the map of North America that is used as the background for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America logo on the SPP website.

Marge Howell, spokeswoman for the North Carolina DMV, told the press that the state was embedding a hologram of North America on the back of their new driver's licenses. "It's a security element that eventually will be on the back of every driver's license in North America," Howell said.

Howell explained the hologram of the North American continent was the creation of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that, according to the group's website, "develops model programs in motor vehicle administration, law enforcement and highway safety."

Founded in 1933, AAMVA represents state and provincial officials in the United States and Canada who administer and enforce motor vehicle laws. The government of Mexico is also a member, though the individual Mexican states have yet to join.

According to the group's website, AAMVA's programs are designed "to encourage uniformity and reciprocity among the states and provinces."

"The goal is of the North American hologram," Howell explained, "is to get one common element that law enforcement throughout the continent can look at on all driver's licenses and tell that the driver's license is an official document."

Jason King, spokesman for AAMVA, affirmed the North American hologram was created by AAMVA's Uniform Identification Subcommittee, a working group of AAMVA members.

He explained the goal is to create a continental security device that could be used by state and provincial motor vehicles agencies throughout North America, including the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

King referenced a document on the AAMVA website that describes guidelines for using the North America continent hologram as an Optical Variable Device (OVD) that AAMVA has now licensed with private manufacturers to produce.

AAMVA supplies member motor vehicle agencies with a quantity of North American continent hologram OVD foils to use on their driver's licenses and ID cards as needed.

As the guidelines document on the AAMVA explains, each North American continental hologram OVD foil is embedded with a unique set of control numbers that permit law enforcement electronic scanners to identify the exact jurisdiction and precise individual authorized to hold a driver's license or ID card with that particular OVD foil embedded.

"AAMVA understands its unique positioning and the continuing role identification security will play in helping the general public realize a safer North America," King said. "The association believes ID security will help increase national security, increase highway safety, reduce fraud and system abuse, increase efficiency and effectiveness, and achieve uniformity of processes and practices."

Missouri State Rep. Jim Guest has held a seminar in North Carolina to protest the Real ID law. The surprise came at a meeting on the Real ID held in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, July 28,"

When Rep. Guest asked participants to take out their driver's license and see what was on it one gentleman was a state employee and on his license there was this hologram with the North American continent on the back. They were all surprised to see that on a North Carolina driver's license.

Guest has formed a coalition called Legislators Against Real ID Act, or LARI.

"I was astonished when I saw that North American hologram on the North Carolina driver's license," Guest said. "I thought to myself that the state DMV has already included this North American symbol on the back of the driver's license without telling the people of North Carolina they were going to do this."

"I thought right then that this was going to be the prototype for the driver's license of the North American Union. When we called the North Carolina DMV, they hedged at first," Guest said, "but finally they admitted that, yes, there was a North American continent hologram on the back of the license."

"This is part of a plan by bureaucrats and trade groups that act like bureaucrats to little by little transform us into a North American Union without any vote being taken and without explaining to the U.S. public what they are doing," Guest argued.

In 2005, North Carolina was the state where illegal immigrants go to get a driver's license, with busloads of aliens travel south on I-95 to get an easy ID.

The Tar Heel State's requirements to obtain a license are weaker than those of many surrounding states.

In 2006, Pastor Rios Sanchez, 55, an illegal alien, was accused of killing three people, including two North Carolina State University students and a 26-year-old, while driving drunk.

Jim Kouri, CPP
Columnist Jim Kouri,

Hillary and the Black Panthers: The Real Story

Richard Poe
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003

I can't take it anymore. If one more person sends me that e-mail about Hillary and the Black Panthers, I'll have to be dragged away screaming in a straitjacket.

You know the e-mail I'm talking about. It accuses Hillary of helping the Black Panthers get away with torture and murder during the early 1970s. With the 2004 presidential race drawing near, the spam mills are creaking to life, flooding the Internet once more with this agitprop classic.

Unfortunately, the e-mail mingles good information with bad, sowing more confusion than enlightenment. Some versions, for instance, carry the byline of radio talk jock Paul Harvey, who says he did not write it. Such misrepresentations help Hillary defenders dismiss the e-mail as a hoax.

The story is no hoax, though. Its basic elements can be found in respected Hillary biographies and exposes such as Barbara Olson's "Hell to Pay," David Brock's "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham," Joyce Milton's "The First Partner" and Carl Limbacher's "Hillary's Scheme."

Here are the facts.

In May 1969, fishermen discovered the body of Black Panther Alex Rackley floating in Connecticut's Coginchaug River. Rackley's captors had clubbed him, burned him with cigarettes, scalded him with boiling water and stabbed him with an ice pick before finally shooting him in the head.

New Haven detectives learned that the Panthers suspected Rackley of being a police informer. Panther enforcers had tied him to a chair and tortured him for hours. Police arrested eight Panthers and later extradited Panther leader Bobby Seale from California, after a witness accused Seale of ordering Rackley's death. (1)

Campus radicals supported the Panthers. They organized mass protests in support of the so-called "New Haven Nine." Hillary was right in the thick of it.

By the time she entered Yale Law School in 1969, Hillary was already a radical celebrity on campus. Life magazine had featured Hillary in a piece titled, "The Class of '69," which showcased three student activists whom Life's editors deemed the best and brightest of the year. A line Hillary used in her Wellesley College commencement speech appeared under her photo: "Protest is an attempt to forge an identity." (2)

At Yale, Hillary helped edit the Yale Review of Law and Social Action – a left-wing journal which promoted cop-killing and featured cartoons of pig-faced police. (3)

A series of hard-Left mentors introduced Hillary to the brass-knuckle realities of revolutionary activism. As a Wellesley undergraduate, she met and interviewed radical o'rganizer Saul Alinsky, whose Machiavellian tactics she admired. Hillary's senior thesis supported Alinsky's call for class warfare. (4)

At Yale, Hillary found a new Svengali in the form of left-wing law professor Thomas Emerson, known around campus as "Tommy the Commie." Emerson recruited Hillary and other students to help monitor the trial of the New Haven Nine for civil rights violations. Hillary took charge of the operation, scheduling the students in shifts, so that student monitors would always be present in the courtroom. She befriended and worked closely with Panther lawyer Charles Garry. (5)

Some believe that the enormous pressure exerted by the Left helped ensure light sentences for the New Haven Nine. Whether or not this is true, the punishments were mild.

"Only one of the killers was still in prison in 1977," reports John McCaslin in the Washington Times. "The gunman, Warren Kimbro, got a Harvard scholarship and became an assistant dean at Eastern Connecticut State College. Ericka Huggins, who boiled the water for Mr. Rackley's torture, got elected to a California school board." (6)

Hillary's defenders argue that she played no "significant" role in the New Haven Nine's defense. This is semantic hairsplitting. Obviously, Hillary was less "significant" than Charles Garry or "Tommy the Commie" Emerson. But Hillary served as a trusted lieutenant to these movers and shakers. Moreover, she had a national profile as a campus activist. Hillary was no rank-and-file student protester, as her apologists claim.

Indeed, Hillary's work for the Panthers won her a summer internship at the Berkeley office of attorney Robert Treuhaft in 1972. A hardline Stalinist, Treuhaft had quit the Communist Party in 1958 only because it was losing members and no longer provided a good platform for his activism. (7) "Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB," notes historian Stephen Schwartz. (8)

The defense of the New Haven Nine marked Hillary's initiation into the sinister underworld of the hard-core, revolutionary Left. To my knowledge, Hillary has never publicly renounced nor apologized for her role in that movement.

See NewsMax's special offer for Richard Poe's latest book, "The Seven Myths of Gun Control."

For more columns by Richard Poe, Click here.

Richard Poe is a New York Times best-selling author and cyberjournalist. For more information on Poe and his writings, visit his Web site, He may be reached at


1. Joyce Milton, The First Partner: Hillary Rodham Clinton. William, Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1999, p. 35. Barbara Olson, Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Regnery Publishing, Washington, D.C., 1999, p. 55. Return
2. Milton, 1999, p. 34; Olson, 1999, pp. 40-45. Return
3. Olson, 1999, p. 59-61; Evan Gahr, "Hillary and the Cop-Bashers: Will the Real Ms. Rodham Please Stand Up?", June 20, 2000. Return
4. David Brock, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham. The Free Press, New York, 1996, pp. 14-17; Olson, 1999, pp. 46, 48, 50. Return
5. Milton, 1999, p. 17; Brock, 1996, pp. 31-32; Olson, 1999, p. 54-56. Return
6. John McCaslin, "Hillary for the Defense." Inside the Beltway, The Washington Times, June 12, 1998, p. A9. Return
7. Olson, 1999, pp. 56-57. Return
8. Brock, 1996, p. 33. Return

Monday, October 1, 2007

Don't be Fooled by this Joker!

Live here and be Australian, Howard declares

"When you come to this country, you become Australian" … John Howard, celebrating 10 years as Prime Minister.
Photo: Andrew Taylor

MIGRANTS are obliged to "be Australian" and social integration must be pushed harder, John Howard has declared.

In an interview marking his 10th anniversary as Prime Minister, Mr Howard also describes the burqa, the full head covering worn by some Muslim women, as "confronting".

Mr Howard yesterday defended as "fundamentally accurate" a controversial speech by his Treasurer, Peter Costello, on core Australian values.

But Mr Howard's interview with the Herald, conducted before the Costello speech, confirmed that the two men are singing from the same song sheet in expressing trepidation about a divide between some Muslims and mainstream Australia.

It also illustrates the futility of some Muslim leaders appealing to Mr Howard yesterday to censure Mr Costello for the speech on Thursday.

Mr Howard told the Herald, "when you come to this country, you become Australian". Similarly, Mr Costello had said: "Before becoming an Australian, you will be asked to subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objections to those values, don't come to Australia."

In the interview, Mr Howard said multiculturalism had become distorted and too often stupidly meant "a federation of cultures". And he said Muslims must work at avoiding their alienation. Mr Costello condemned "confused, mushy, misguided multiculturalism".

Initially, the Costello comments - including stripping citizenship from people who advocate Islamic law over Australian law - were judged to be at odds with Mr Howard. On the same day, Mr Howard had spoken of the contribution of "all of those who weren't born in this country" and extolled Australia as the least discriminatory country. In the interview, however, Mr Howard said integration was underdone, even though Australia was "very socially cohesive". Yesterday Mr Howard said Australia's core set of values flowed from its Anglo-Saxon identity and the Treasurer's essential point - that people should not migrate to countries they do not appreciate - was unexceptional.

Mr Howard said Australian Muslims overhwelmingly were committed to Australia, and terrorism was based "upon an evil, distorted interpretation of Islam … But that doesn't mean you can't identify areas of concern, and I think the reaction of some in the Islamic community … is quite unreasonable."

Costello backers said his remarks were intended to brand him as conservative enough for a legitimate shot at the Liberal leadership. Yesterday Mr Costello continued to promote the cause for a more demanding citizenship test. On Sydney radio he brushed aside the leadership question when asked if he was positioning himself by making remarks that some would consider to be racist.

Despite a chorus of protest at the Costello speech, NSW's Labor Premier, Morris Iemma, called it reasonable and practical and said immigrants should "leave the disputes, leave the extremism and leave the fights behind". This endorsement is a sure sign that Labor polling identifies the Muslim divide as a potent electoral issue.

Pauline Hanson, the former One Nation leader, said she was vindicated by Mr Costello. She added that "he needs to throw these people out of this country who do not embrace Australia".

Just a thought...In America, be an American.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Need of the Hour

You know the old saying, "The devil is in the details"? It couldn't be more true of the United Nations gathering taking place right now.

For two weeks each year, world leaders swoop on the U.N. headquarters in New York, where they're given a platform to address their concerns. Media has aired sound bytes from their speeches -- mostly juicy ones about Iran's president -- yet much of the real news is happening on the sidelines, out of the spotlight.

Yesterday, for example, the Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends held its second ministerial meeting, attended by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.N. General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim. The presence of the U.N's top two leaders shows that this meeting was not viewed by them as peripheral.

Quite the contrary, in HIS REMARKS to the Group of Friends, Ban called the AoC's task of healing the divide between Muslim and Western societies "the need of the hour." Ban went on to say that the AoC "can help reinforce the work of the United Nations system."

For those who don't know what the AoC is -- let's just say it's "the U.N. meets religion." The U.N. realized it can't achieve world peace without getting religious people onboard -- those who are the source of so much conflict. So, in 2005, it launched this initiative -- co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey -- which "hopes to contribute to a coalescing global movement" against religious extremism, according to its WEB SITE. Unfortunately for Christians, it labels as "extremists" all those who claim sole ownership to the truth -- not just terrorists. (LEARN HOW it may play into the end-times false religious system in league with the Antichrist.)

During his speech yesterday, Sampaio enlisted the help of the Group of Friends -- made up of representatives from governments and multilateral organizations -- in fulfilling his vision for the AoC, as outlined in the "Implementation Plan 2007-2009." But, first, Sampaio pointed out how many nations have joined the Group of Friends since late April, from about 40 to over 70. See the list HERE.

This means the AoC now has weight to throw around. Or, in Sampaio's words, "our ever-enlargening Group of Friends has now reached the critical mass of participation." Read his speech HERE. He said it's time to turn the AoC's momentum into concrete action in the form of commitments from governments.

He urged the Group of Friends to go back to their countries and seek suggestions for projects and policies that can be implemented nationally, regionally and locally -- targeting the AoC's four areas of focus: education, youth, migration and media. According to the Implementation Plan, such projects should include programs to train journalists, major-motion films, AoC youth groups, advertisements at cultural and sporting events, and new curriculum on religion for schoolchildren.

As Sampaio said yesterday, the AoC is much more than conferences and lectures: It "needs to be integrated in the domestic agendas of the countries, in the international agenda and indeed in all aspects of the work of the United Nations."

In other words, the AoC is planning some big stuff. If the Implementation Plan is, indeed, implemented, then schools around the world may soon be required to use AoC-approved curriculum. Yes, even religious schools (don't believe me, read the Implementation Plan). Do you want your kids being taught that all religions are equally valid -- that Jesus was wrong and he isn't the only way? Of course, this excludes, for now, the United States, which hasn't yet joined the Group of Friends. But, oh, the difference one election can make!

The participating government's suggestions will be presented at the AoC's first annual forum, Jan. 15-16, in Madrid Spain. Sampaio urged them to view this event as a golden opportunity for the AoC to go public.

You think Hollywood's got a liberal agenda, wait until film directors catch the AoC vision. And don't forget the very real possibility of Super Bowls sponsored by the Alliance of Civilizations.

The good thing is then the media will have to report on it.

Holly and Adam Pivec

Monday, September 24, 2007

Removing the Veil: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6: Stop The Real ID ACT

Removing the Veil: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6: Stop The Real ID ACT

My Letter to Mike Huckabee

Dear Mr. Huckabee,

I am writing this email to say first, how excited I am to support you as a member of TEAM HUCKABEE! I am praying that God will put you (a Godly man) into office. I am encouraged by your resolve to see America get back to her roots and to maintain our government’s sovereignty. Quick plug…I was born in Fort Smith, but that isn’t why I like you so much! :)

The second reason for writing is to inform you about my desire for learning about the Bible, History, Prophecy, Politics and World events and how that desire relates to the following.

For the past year or so, I have been sending emails to many friends who also share my desire to know more about these things. The emails include articles that I find at various websites. I look for “free” news sources, not slanted liberal ones. I recently started a blog where people can subscribe. I have been following the career of Javier Solana for about a year and from an early time I have noticed some striking similarities with, dare I say…the antichrist. Please see the WEU document: 1* Recommendation 666. The importance of this document was to recommend to the Council of Europe that the 10 Brussels Treaty Powers should be kept together as the EU's new military wing. It also recommended giving the High Representative emergency powers -- powers even the EU's president doesn't have. Since Solana was Secretary General of both the WEU and the Council, Recommendation 666 was actually Solana recommending action to Solana.

Now more recently, Javier states in the Social Journal of the European Left, “Take the G-8. At present it does not really work effectively. To become more effective, it needs to become more representative and that means changing its membership. Why not make it a G-10 in which the ten major countries are represented based on a composite index of international weight (GDP, aid, soldiers and civilians deployed on peace support missions)? This would not only bring China and India in but also keeps some current members on their toes.” see--Daniel 7:7-8
CLICK HERE for full story.

Solana is also quoted as saying, “Therefore, we have two imperatives: to create greater effectiveness in global governance but also to uphold democratic legitimacy. To do so is difficult. It requires new ideas and a sense of compromise. But I really see no real alternative. Let me end with a quote from Jean Jacques Rousseau, from The Social Contract, now that we are talking about a global social contract. ‘The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right and obedience into duty.’”

I live each day for the Lord and I have a broken heart and a passion for "pre-Christians". I homeschool our three sons and our family is very active in our church, the Christian & Missionary Alliance. I want you to know that I don’t look at these events from a standpoint of fear but obligation. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 we are reminded to be alert and that we are not in darkness but in light. Let us be alert! I am but one small voice and you have the God-given ability to reach the masses and influence the world. I believe that as we (Christians & Jews) enter a time of persecution, the United States of America can and must be a safe haven.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stop The Real ID ACT

Feel free to copy the following letter into a WORD document of your own. My goal is to fax this letter everyday for 30 days to each of the recipients listed to the right of this article. I implore you to do the same...for Freedom's sake.

To: U.S. Congress

Stop The Real ID ACT!

The REAL ID Act is a bad law passed under false pretenses. It was rejected three separate times by the U.S. Senate, and was passed only because it was added (slipped under the radar) to a larger bill containing disaster relief and funding for Iraq. The Senate didn't want it, and the American people don't want it either. It has been imposed on us, and so now we have to fight to get it repealed.

The DL/ID card is considered by many to be de facto ID, controlling our ability to buy, sell and move. REAL ID, biometric ID and database linking violate the First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments. Global database linking will certainly result in an ID theft pandemic. DHS-TSA can't even keep track of computer hard drives. How are they to protect our personal information when shared with other nations?

An international system of identification, that links one physically (through biometrics) to the control of financial transactions, threatens the religious beliefs of millions. The illegal searching of personal effects and papers without warrant or probable cause violates protected privacy and personal security. The Tenth Amendment protects states' rights to issue ID and prevents federal tyranny by keeping those powers close to the people. The federal-international hijacking of state ID means that people lose access to the government entity that administers control of the ID. In this case, the ID document has potential control over our ability to buy, sell and move.

Once databases are linked, under REAL ID or other legislation, U.S. citizens will be PERMANENTLY enrolled in a system that wrecks their constitutional liberties and their constitutional rule over their government. As a result, REAL ID, biometric ID, database linking and the actions of DHS are all unconstitutional.

We are promised increased personal security in return for laying this new "foundation stone" for the creation of a future police state. But those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither, and will have neither. We are tearing down our sovereignty from the inside out. This form of ID reeks of an American Gestapo.

By the way, who’s going to fund this $11billion expense; we the people or the Government on credit cards?

Many good arguments can be made against REAL ID, but they all reduce to one overpowering truth. The more information government has the less it seems to know. The more power government has the less it seems able to accomplish. Big Government doesn't work. The federal government needs to do less in order to accomplish more. Small government is focused government. We need smaller government, not a massive new federal identification system.

Why is the silence in Florida so deafening? Why aren’t you representing your people and standing up against this? Please stop the Real Id Act! I look forward to your timely response.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Real ID Slipped Under the Radar: Where is America Headed?

On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed into law the “REAL ID Act of 2005,” which was attached to the “Emergency Supplemental Appropriation for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005” continued below...

...okay quick pause...who's NOT going to sign a Bill supporting the Global War on Terror, Tsunami Relief and Emergency cash for defense? Pretty sly I'd say.

... (H.R. 1268, P.L. 109-13). Title II of REAL ID—“Improved Security for Driver’s License’ and Personal Identification Cards”—repeals the provisions of a December 2004 law that established a cooperative state-federal process to create federal standards for driver’s licenses and instead directly imposes prescriptive federal driver’s license standards. The following table summarizes the act’s driver’s license title.

CLICK HERE for the official PDF table.

Let me however, pull out some key points from 3 bullet points below.

--The 1st basically says the optional switch to REAL ID isn't really optional after all. Try and travel without it!

A federal agency may not accept a driver’s license or personal identification
card (DL/ID) after May 11, 2008, unless the state has been certified by the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in consultation with the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) to meet the requirements of the law.

--The 2nd if your license isn't a REAL ID, it will be flagged wit a unique color that allows the Federal Government to stop you from travel or whatever else you're trying to do, i.e.; open a bank account, apply for a mortgage.

In any case in which a state issues a DL/ID that does not satisfy the federal
requirements, a state shall ensure that that the DL/ID: (A) clearly states on its
face that it may not be accepted for federal identification or any other official
purpose, and (B) uses a unique design or color indicator to alert federal
agencies or other law enforcement personnel that it may not be accepted for
any such purpose.

--The 3rd says that states give up their rights to the Department of Homeland Security to set standards.

Grants authority to DHS to issue regulations, set standards, and issue grants under the law in consultation with DOT and the states.

National Conference of State Legislatures

State of Florida info on REAL ID


Recent BOSTON GLOBE article

WND banned from secret meeting on selling U.S. assets

EuroMoney PLC, the UK-based company that arranges dozens of financial conferences around the world each year, has refused to allow WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi to attend next week's "North American PPP (Public-Private Partnership) & Infrastructure Finance Conference" in New York, even though WND offered to pay the $1,999 conference fee required to attend.

"When government officials want to go behind closed doors with investment bankers and lawyers to discuss selling our public infrastructure to foreign investment leaders, investigative reporters need to be there to tell the public what is really going on," Corsi said.

"Why is it that all these PPP and SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) meetings are behind closed doors," Corsi asked, "and government officials and their supporters think that's normal? But when investigative reporters want to attend and report on what is being said, we are the ones who get accused of being the conspiracy theorists?"

"By refusing to allow WND to attend as a paying customer," Corsi argued, "EuroMoney is telling the American public that they intend to conduct a secret meeting designed to teach government officials how to sell out U.S. public infrastructure to foreign investment concerns.

CLICK HERE for full article.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Biblical Foundation for Precious Metals

I. A Biblical Foundation for Precious Metals

-God put gold in the earth for a reason Gen. 2:11-12
-Put man to work in the garden Gen. 2:15
-Satan fell because of dishonest trade EZ. 28:12-18
-Man is to trade with honest scales (weights & measures) Deut. 25:13-16
-Inflation due to dishonest scales Amos 8:4-6


-Satan's system (cosmos) destroyed Amos 8:7-10
-World system suffers from inflation Rev. 6:6
-Merchants of the earth continue to trade precious metals until the time of the end Rev. 18:11-12
-Precious metals very valuable until the time God's wrath is poured out Ex. 7:19
-End time transfer of wealth using precious metals Hag. 2:6-9


-Prudent man sees danger and prepares Prov. 22:3
-Church prepared for famine that was prophesied Acts 11:27-29
-Joseph stored up for the seven years of famine Gen. 41:47-49
-Only a sluggard doesn't physically prepare Prov. 6:6-15


A. Right Motives
-Ability to produce wealth given by God Deut. 8:18
-Those who fear the Lord will not lack Ps. 34:9-10
-Seek Kingdom first Example - Joseph took care of Israelites and Egyptians Gen. 41:41-49

B. Wrong Motives (Greed)
-Goes to and from; heaps up wealth not knowing who will receive it Ps. 39:6
-Eager to get rich; will not go unpunished Prov. 38:20
-One who pleases Him receives wealth Example - Ananias & Sapphira Acts 5:1-5


Be careful what you sign!
Watch this undercover YouTube clip and you will be SHOCKED at what you see!


Did you know Florida’s constitution has been amended 109 times in 36 years.

Did you know The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times in over 200 years.

Your Driver's License will tell ALL


I heard this morning that the new driver’s license being used for the REAL ID will have two bar codes on the back….for those that say “oh I have nothing to hide I just want to be protected” Here’s what Representative Jim Guest has to say about that: “Did you know that the 1st bar code on the back of your Drivers license, which we all have right now but soon to be replaced, has your typical personal information that allows a police officer to scan and see who you are.” So Rep. Jim Guest asked the audience so why do we need a 2nd bar code? Here’s why, that 2nd bar code can hold more information than you probably ever even heard or know about. Example: Every phone number of every individual in New York City could be put on this one Driver’s license bar code!!!! So again he asked why would the government need such a thing when the first bar code clearly holds enough of your personal information to know who you are.

I don’t know about you but when the government messes something up of mine it is NEVER SIMPLE to get it fixed so what if they mess with your personal information or someone else does? People better wake up get involved and learn about protecting their rights before there are no rights to protect!

Lastly, go to this site because there is NO ONE in Florida representing us and saying NO TO THIS NATIONAL ID! We need to let Charlie Christ and other representatives of our state know how we feel about the government getting and using our personal information.


I have heard it said many times and actually very well stated last night by several of the Republican candidates, why do we have to ask for our rights when our rights were given to us by our heavenly father!

The term inalienable rights (or unalienable rights) refers to a set of human rights that are fundamental, are not awarded by human power, and cannot be surrendered. They are by definition, rights retained by the people. Inalienable rights may be defined as natural rights or human rights, but natural rights are not required by definition to be inalienable.