Thursday, September 27, 2007

Need of the Hour

You know the old saying, "The devil is in the details"? It couldn't be more true of the United Nations gathering taking place right now.

For two weeks each year, world leaders swoop on the U.N. headquarters in New York, where they're given a platform to address their concerns. Media has aired sound bytes from their speeches -- mostly juicy ones about Iran's president -- yet much of the real news is happening on the sidelines, out of the spotlight.

Yesterday, for example, the Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends held its second ministerial meeting, attended by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.N. General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim. The presence of the U.N's top two leaders shows that this meeting was not viewed by them as peripheral.

Quite the contrary, in HIS REMARKS to the Group of Friends, Ban called the AoC's task of healing the divide between Muslim and Western societies "the need of the hour." Ban went on to say that the AoC "can help reinforce the work of the United Nations system."

For those who don't know what the AoC is -- let's just say it's "the U.N. meets religion." The U.N. realized it can't achieve world peace without getting religious people onboard -- those who are the source of so much conflict. So, in 2005, it launched this initiative -- co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey -- which "hopes to contribute to a coalescing global movement" against religious extremism, according to its WEB SITE. Unfortunately for Christians, it labels as "extremists" all those who claim sole ownership to the truth -- not just terrorists. (LEARN HOW it may play into the end-times false religious system in league with the Antichrist.)

During his speech yesterday, Sampaio enlisted the help of the Group of Friends -- made up of representatives from governments and multilateral organizations -- in fulfilling his vision for the AoC, as outlined in the "Implementation Plan 2007-2009." But, first, Sampaio pointed out how many nations have joined the Group of Friends since late April, from about 40 to over 70. See the list HERE.

This means the AoC now has weight to throw around. Or, in Sampaio's words, "our ever-enlargening Group of Friends has now reached the critical mass of participation." Read his speech HERE. He said it's time to turn the AoC's momentum into concrete action in the form of commitments from governments.

He urged the Group of Friends to go back to their countries and seek suggestions for projects and policies that can be implemented nationally, regionally and locally -- targeting the AoC's four areas of focus: education, youth, migration and media. According to the Implementation Plan, such projects should include programs to train journalists, major-motion films, AoC youth groups, advertisements at cultural and sporting events, and new curriculum on religion for schoolchildren.

As Sampaio said yesterday, the AoC is much more than conferences and lectures: It "needs to be integrated in the domestic agendas of the countries, in the international agenda and indeed in all aspects of the work of the United Nations."

In other words, the AoC is planning some big stuff. If the Implementation Plan is, indeed, implemented, then schools around the world may soon be required to use AoC-approved curriculum. Yes, even religious schools (don't believe me, read the Implementation Plan). Do you want your kids being taught that all religions are equally valid -- that Jesus was wrong and he isn't the only way? Of course, this excludes, for now, the United States, which hasn't yet joined the Group of Friends. But, oh, the difference one election can make!

The participating government's suggestions will be presented at the AoC's first annual forum, Jan. 15-16, in Madrid Spain. Sampaio urged them to view this event as a golden opportunity for the AoC to go public.

You think Hollywood's got a liberal agenda, wait until film directors catch the AoC vision. And don't forget the very real possibility of Super Bowls sponsored by the Alliance of Civilizations.

The good thing is then the media will have to report on it.

Holly and Adam Pivec

Monday, September 24, 2007

Removing the Veil: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6: Stop The Real ID ACT

Removing the Veil: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6: Stop The Real ID ACT

My Letter to Mike Huckabee

Dear Mr. Huckabee,

I am writing this email to say first, how excited I am to support you as a member of TEAM HUCKABEE! I am praying that God will put you (a Godly man) into office. I am encouraged by your resolve to see America get back to her roots and to maintain our government’s sovereignty. Quick plug…I was born in Fort Smith, but that isn’t why I like you so much! :)

The second reason for writing is to inform you about my desire for learning about the Bible, History, Prophecy, Politics and World events and how that desire relates to the following.

For the past year or so, I have been sending emails to many friends who also share my desire to know more about these things. The emails include articles that I find at various websites. I look for “free” news sources, not slanted liberal ones. I recently started a blog where people can subscribe. I have been following the career of Javier Solana for about a year and from an early time I have noticed some striking similarities with, dare I say…the antichrist. Please see the WEU document: 1* Recommendation 666. The importance of this document was to recommend to the Council of Europe that the 10 Brussels Treaty Powers should be kept together as the EU's new military wing. It also recommended giving the High Representative emergency powers -- powers even the EU's president doesn't have. Since Solana was Secretary General of both the WEU and the Council, Recommendation 666 was actually Solana recommending action to Solana.

Now more recently, Javier states in the Social Journal of the European Left, “Take the G-8. At present it does not really work effectively. To become more effective, it needs to become more representative and that means changing its membership. Why not make it a G-10 in which the ten major countries are represented based on a composite index of international weight (GDP, aid, soldiers and civilians deployed on peace support missions)? This would not only bring China and India in but also keeps some current members on their toes.” see--Daniel 7:7-8
CLICK HERE for full story.

Solana is also quoted as saying, “Therefore, we have two imperatives: to create greater effectiveness in global governance but also to uphold democratic legitimacy. To do so is difficult. It requires new ideas and a sense of compromise. But I really see no real alternative. Let me end with a quote from Jean Jacques Rousseau, from The Social Contract, now that we are talking about a global social contract. ‘The strongest is never strong enough to be always the master, unless he transforms strength into right and obedience into duty.’”

I live each day for the Lord and I have a broken heart and a passion for "pre-Christians". I homeschool our three sons and our family is very active in our church, the Christian & Missionary Alliance. I want you to know that I don’t look at these events from a standpoint of fear but obligation. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 we are reminded to be alert and that we are not in darkness but in light. Let us be alert! I am but one small voice and you have the God-given ability to reach the masses and influence the world. I believe that as we (Christians & Jews) enter a time of persecution, the United States of America can and must be a safe haven.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stop The Real ID ACT

Feel free to copy the following letter into a WORD document of your own. My goal is to fax this letter everyday for 30 days to each of the recipients listed to the right of this article. I implore you to do the same...for Freedom's sake.

To: U.S. Congress

Stop The Real ID ACT!

The REAL ID Act is a bad law passed under false pretenses. It was rejected three separate times by the U.S. Senate, and was passed only because it was added (slipped under the radar) to a larger bill containing disaster relief and funding for Iraq. The Senate didn't want it, and the American people don't want it either. It has been imposed on us, and so now we have to fight to get it repealed.

The DL/ID card is considered by many to be de facto ID, controlling our ability to buy, sell and move. REAL ID, biometric ID and database linking violate the First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments. Global database linking will certainly result in an ID theft pandemic. DHS-TSA can't even keep track of computer hard drives. How are they to protect our personal information when shared with other nations?

An international system of identification, that links one physically (through biometrics) to the control of financial transactions, threatens the religious beliefs of millions. The illegal searching of personal effects and papers without warrant or probable cause violates protected privacy and personal security. The Tenth Amendment protects states' rights to issue ID and prevents federal tyranny by keeping those powers close to the people. The federal-international hijacking of state ID means that people lose access to the government entity that administers control of the ID. In this case, the ID document has potential control over our ability to buy, sell and move.

Once databases are linked, under REAL ID or other legislation, U.S. citizens will be PERMANENTLY enrolled in a system that wrecks their constitutional liberties and their constitutional rule over their government. As a result, REAL ID, biometric ID, database linking and the actions of DHS are all unconstitutional.

We are promised increased personal security in return for laying this new "foundation stone" for the creation of a future police state. But those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither, and will have neither. We are tearing down our sovereignty from the inside out. This form of ID reeks of an American Gestapo.

By the way, who’s going to fund this $11billion expense; we the people or the Government on credit cards?

Many good arguments can be made against REAL ID, but they all reduce to one overpowering truth. The more information government has the less it seems to know. The more power government has the less it seems able to accomplish. Big Government doesn't work. The federal government needs to do less in order to accomplish more. Small government is focused government. We need smaller government, not a massive new federal identification system.

Why is the silence in Florida so deafening? Why aren’t you representing your people and standing up against this? Please stop the Real Id Act! I look forward to your timely response.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Real ID Slipped Under the Radar: Where is America Headed?

On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed into law the “REAL ID Act of 2005,” which was attached to the “Emergency Supplemental Appropriation for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005” continued below...

...okay quick pause...who's NOT going to sign a Bill supporting the Global War on Terror, Tsunami Relief and Emergency cash for defense? Pretty sly I'd say.

... (H.R. 1268, P.L. 109-13). Title II of REAL ID—“Improved Security for Driver’s License’ and Personal Identification Cards”—repeals the provisions of a December 2004 law that established a cooperative state-federal process to create federal standards for driver’s licenses and instead directly imposes prescriptive federal driver’s license standards. The following table summarizes the act’s driver’s license title.

CLICK HERE for the official PDF table.

Let me however, pull out some key points from 3 bullet points below.

--The 1st basically says the optional switch to REAL ID isn't really optional after all. Try and travel without it!

A federal agency may not accept a driver’s license or personal identification
card (DL/ID) after May 11, 2008, unless the state has been certified by the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in consultation with the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) to meet the requirements of the law.

--The 2nd if your license isn't a REAL ID, it will be flagged wit a unique color that allows the Federal Government to stop you from travel or whatever else you're trying to do, i.e.; open a bank account, apply for a mortgage.

In any case in which a state issues a DL/ID that does not satisfy the federal
requirements, a state shall ensure that that the DL/ID: (A) clearly states on its
face that it may not be accepted for federal identification or any other official
purpose, and (B) uses a unique design or color indicator to alert federal
agencies or other law enforcement personnel that it may not be accepted for
any such purpose.

--The 3rd says that states give up their rights to the Department of Homeland Security to set standards.

Grants authority to DHS to issue regulations, set standards, and issue grants under the law in consultation with DOT and the states.

National Conference of State Legislatures

State of Florida info on REAL ID


Recent BOSTON GLOBE article

WND banned from secret meeting on selling U.S. assets

EuroMoney PLC, the UK-based company that arranges dozens of financial conferences around the world each year, has refused to allow WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi to attend next week's "North American PPP (Public-Private Partnership) & Infrastructure Finance Conference" in New York, even though WND offered to pay the $1,999 conference fee required to attend.

"When government officials want to go behind closed doors with investment bankers and lawyers to discuss selling our public infrastructure to foreign investment leaders, investigative reporters need to be there to tell the public what is really going on," Corsi said.

"Why is it that all these PPP and SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) meetings are behind closed doors," Corsi asked, "and government officials and their supporters think that's normal? But when investigative reporters want to attend and report on what is being said, we are the ones who get accused of being the conspiracy theorists?"

"By refusing to allow WND to attend as a paying customer," Corsi argued, "EuroMoney is telling the American public that they intend to conduct a secret meeting designed to teach government officials how to sell out U.S. public infrastructure to foreign investment concerns.

CLICK HERE for full article.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Biblical Foundation for Precious Metals

I. A Biblical Foundation for Precious Metals

-God put gold in the earth for a reason Gen. 2:11-12
-Put man to work in the garden Gen. 2:15
-Satan fell because of dishonest trade EZ. 28:12-18
-Man is to trade with honest scales (weights & measures) Deut. 25:13-16
-Inflation due to dishonest scales Amos 8:4-6


-Satan's system (cosmos) destroyed Amos 8:7-10
-World system suffers from inflation Rev. 6:6
-Merchants of the earth continue to trade precious metals until the time of the end Rev. 18:11-12
-Precious metals very valuable until the time God's wrath is poured out Ex. 7:19
-End time transfer of wealth using precious metals Hag. 2:6-9


-Prudent man sees danger and prepares Prov. 22:3
-Church prepared for famine that was prophesied Acts 11:27-29
-Joseph stored up for the seven years of famine Gen. 41:47-49
-Only a sluggard doesn't physically prepare Prov. 6:6-15


A. Right Motives
-Ability to produce wealth given by God Deut. 8:18
-Those who fear the Lord will not lack Ps. 34:9-10
-Seek Kingdom first Example - Joseph took care of Israelites and Egyptians Gen. 41:41-49

B. Wrong Motives (Greed)
-Goes to and from; heaps up wealth not knowing who will receive it Ps. 39:6
-Eager to get rich; will not go unpunished Prov. 38:20
-One who pleases Him receives wealth Example - Ananias & Sapphira Acts 5:1-5


Be careful what you sign!
Watch this undercover YouTube clip and you will be SHOCKED at what you see!


Did you know Florida’s constitution has been amended 109 times in 36 years.

Did you know The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times in over 200 years.

Your Driver's License will tell ALL


I heard this morning that the new driver’s license being used for the REAL ID will have two bar codes on the back….for those that say “oh I have nothing to hide I just want to be protected” Here’s what Representative Jim Guest has to say about that: “Did you know that the 1st bar code on the back of your Drivers license, which we all have right now but soon to be replaced, has your typical personal information that allows a police officer to scan and see who you are.” So Rep. Jim Guest asked the audience so why do we need a 2nd bar code? Here’s why, that 2nd bar code can hold more information than you probably ever even heard or know about. Example: Every phone number of every individual in New York City could be put on this one Driver’s license bar code!!!! So again he asked why would the government need such a thing when the first bar code clearly holds enough of your personal information to know who you are.

I don’t know about you but when the government messes something up of mine it is NEVER SIMPLE to get it fixed so what if they mess with your personal information or someone else does? People better wake up get involved and learn about protecting their rights before there are no rights to protect!

Lastly, go to this site because there is NO ONE in Florida representing us and saying NO TO THIS NATIONAL ID! We need to let Charlie Christ and other representatives of our state know how we feel about the government getting and using our personal information.


I have heard it said many times and actually very well stated last night by several of the Republican candidates, why do we have to ask for our rights when our rights were given to us by our heavenly father!

The term inalienable rights (or unalienable rights) refers to a set of human rights that are fundamental, are not awarded by human power, and cannot be surrendered. They are by definition, rights retained by the people. Inalienable rights may be defined as natural rights or human rights, but natural rights are not required by definition to be inalienable.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Republicans debate 'real values' tonight!

to WATCH at 7:30pm

CLICK HERE to read about the debates TONIGHT!

Republicans debate 'real values' tonight
WND Editor Joseph Farah moderator for presidential showdown in Florida

By Joe Kovacs
© 2007

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – The latest Republican presidential debate takes place here tonight, but all four of what some in the national news media call the "top-tier candidates" will not be on the stage.

Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson have all chosen not to participate in the Values Voter Debate being moderated by WND Editor Joseph Farah.

"Isn't it amazing they all have more important things to do to get elected president than to meet face to face with Christian and Jewish leaders who represent millions and millions of votes?" asked Farah who called them "gutless wonders" in a column previewing tonight's event....

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How U.S. Gold Reserves were STOLEN

Are you wondering what inflation really is?

Enjoy an excerpt from the following article.
CLICK HERE to read the article in its entirety.

How U.S. Gold Reserves Were Stolen

The Coinage Act of 1792 established a dollar consisting of 371.25 grains of pure silver, but was later replaced with a gold dollar consisting of 25.8 grains of gold. In 1873, the Coinage Act was passed, prohibiting the use of Silver as a form of currency, because the quantity being discovered was driving the value down. In 1875, after temporarily suspending gold convertibility during the Civil War "greenback" period, the U.S. was put more firmly on the gold standard by the Gold Standard Act of 1900. From 1900 to 1933, gold was coined by the U.S. Mint, and our paper currency was tied into the amount of gold held in the U.S. Treasury reserves.

In July, 1927, the directors of the Bank of England [Montagu Norman], the New York Federal Reserve Bank [Benjamin Strong], and the German Reichsbank [Hjalmar Schacht], met to plan a way to get the gold moved out of the United States, and it was this movement of gold which helped trigger the depression. By 1928, nearly $500 million in gold was transferred to Europe.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the advice of England 's leading economist, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), a member of the Illuminati [also a socialist and a homosexual --ed], who said that deficit spending would be a shot in the arm to the economy. Most of the New Deal spending programs to fight economic depression, were based on Keynes theories on deficit spending, and financed by borrowing against future taxes. In 1910, Lenin said: "The surest way to overthrow an established social order is to debauch its currency." Nine years later, Keynes wrote:

"Lenin was certainly right, there is no more positive, or subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency ... The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

A Presidential Executive Order by Roosevelt on April 5, 1933, required all the people to exchange their gold coins, gold bullion, and gold-backed currency for money that was not redeemable in precious metals. The Gold Reserve Act of 1934, known as the Thomas Amendment which amended the Act of May 12, 1933, made it illegal to possess any gold currency (which was [finally] rescinded December 31, 1974). Gold coinage was withdrawn from circulation and kept in the form of bullion. Just as the public was to return all their gold to the U.S. Government, so was the Federal Reserve. However, while the people received $20.67 per ounce in paper money issued by the Federal Reserve, the Reserve was paid in Gold Certificates. Now the Federal Reserve and the Illuminati had control of all the gold in the country.

In 1934, the value of gold [was increased by FDR] to $35 an ounce, which produced a $3 billion profit for the Government. But when the price of gold increases, the value of the dollar decreases. Our dollar has not been worth 100 cents since 1933, when we were taken off of the Gold Standard. In 1974, our dollar was worth 38 cents, and in 1983 it was only worth 22 cents. In 2002, it took $13.88 to buy what cost $1.00 in 1933. Since our money supply had been limited to the amount of gold in Treasury reserves, when the value of the dollar decreased, more money was printed.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Russia and China in Joint War Games

(CHEBARKUL TESTING RANGE, Russia) — Fighter jets streaked through the air as Russian and Chinese forces held their first joint maneuvers on Russian land Friday in a demonstration of their growing military ties and a shared desire to counter U.S. global clout.
The war games in the southern Ural Mountains involved some 6,000 troops from Russia and China along with a handful of soldiers from four ex-Soviet Central Asian nations that are part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a regional group dominated by Moscow and Beijing.

The drills coincided with a massive Russian air force exercise in which dozens of Russian strategic bombers ranged far over the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans...

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article.

CLICK HERE for more on Gog and Magog

Gog and Magog

Gog (left) and Magog, wooden effigies in the Guildhall, London
Courtesy of the British Tourist Authority

This is the second time that this has happened and I believe that Gog and Magog refer to Russia…

CLICK HERE for the full article.

CLICK HERE to read all of Ezekiel Chapter 38

1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of [a] Meshech and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of [b] Meshech and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. 5 Persia, Cush [c] and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, 6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.

7 " 'Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. 8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. 9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.

10 " 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. 11 You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. 12 I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land." 13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages [d] will say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?" '

14 "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it? 15 You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army. 16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.

Now playing: Jimmy Needham - Fence Riders
via FoxyTunes

Friday, September 14, 2007

I Like Mike


SUPPORT Mike into office!

An Unofficial Email from the Pentagon


I didn't want to send this yesterday because walking down the corridors or the Pentagon on 9/11 was just too somber.

I really don't understand what's happened in the last 6 years. Bin laden and al quaeda attacked us because we have not embraced islam. Since then, they have attacked England, Spain, Malaysia, and kidnapped and killed Koreans and others who disagreed with them. Yet, our far left has filmed documentaries depicting Americans as the bad guys, saying "we brought it on ourselves" and sympathizing with the people who want us all dead. Their films will be released on DVD overseas and will be great recruiting aids for al quaeda. We can thank them for the next "home grown" terrorists.

We are not in a war on terror - we are in a war against islam. Don't tell me it's only the "radical islamists". If that were the case the muslim world would stand up and help eradicate al quaeda rather than quietly "condemning" al quaeda. No muslim sheds tears for Christian or Jewish blood. They may not agree with al quaeda's tactics but they have no problem with the results.

Note: All failures to "Capitalize" islam, al quaeda, bin laden, or muslim is purely intentional.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment is the General "Betray us" campaign. For to assume a man of honor and sacrifice like Gen. Patreous would misrepresent the status of Iraq speaks volumes on their inability to grasp the ideals of duty, honor, and country. Are average Americans so stupid that they buy into the crap that Hollywood stars espouse, yet disregard true experts? They answer unfortunately is yes... Bertraim Russell stated that we tend to accept information that confirms our beliefs without question...we only scrutinize data that does not conform to out beliefs. That's a shame."

Welcome to Molly's Blog: Removing the Veil

Welcome to
Removing the Veil

This is my new blog where I will post articles, emails, opinions and breaking news that are relevant to Christian Americans. If you wish to subscribe to my blog I will have new things to read about almost every day.

I am deeply inspired by God's words to us in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.