Friday, September 14, 2007

An Unofficial Email from the Pentagon


I didn't want to send this yesterday because walking down the corridors or the Pentagon on 9/11 was just too somber.

I really don't understand what's happened in the last 6 years. Bin laden and al quaeda attacked us because we have not embraced islam. Since then, they have attacked England, Spain, Malaysia, and kidnapped and killed Koreans and others who disagreed with them. Yet, our far left has filmed documentaries depicting Americans as the bad guys, saying "we brought it on ourselves" and sympathizing with the people who want us all dead. Their films will be released on DVD overseas and will be great recruiting aids for al quaeda. We can thank them for the next "home grown" terrorists.

We are not in a war on terror - we are in a war against islam. Don't tell me it's only the "radical islamists". If that were the case the muslim world would stand up and help eradicate al quaeda rather than quietly "condemning" al quaeda. No muslim sheds tears for Christian or Jewish blood. They may not agree with al quaeda's tactics but they have no problem with the results.

Note: All failures to "Capitalize" islam, al quaeda, bin laden, or muslim is purely intentional.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment is the General "Betray us" campaign. For to assume a man of honor and sacrifice like Gen. Patreous would misrepresent the status of Iraq speaks volumes on their inability to grasp the ideals of duty, honor, and country. Are average Americans so stupid that they buy into the crap that Hollywood stars espouse, yet disregard true experts? They answer unfortunately is yes... Bertraim Russell stated that we tend to accept information that confirms our beliefs without question...we only scrutinize data that does not conform to out beliefs. That's a shame."

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